[Abstract]:Electricity is the economic pillar of a country, the lifeline of industrial production and the normal operation of the society. It affects our daily life and learning. All the parameters of the power grid, including voltage, current, power, especially the harmonic parameter [1], will affect the power production, if we can monitor these parameters in real time, With the rapid development of computer technology and chip technology, the intelligent monitoring system studied in this paper combines the embedded development and the development of computer software, which can be used for automatic monitoring of electrical energy parameters, which can effectively reduce the costly consequences of electrical energy failures. Based on the study of the power parameter monitoring system at home and abroad, this paper designs a new intelligent monitoring system based on the standards of various protection, power parameter acquisition and measurement, intelligent monitoring and communication based on some standards of power distribution parameters monitoring in China. This intelligent monitoring system is based on ARM7 LPC2132 micro control. As the control core, the ADE7758 three-phase electric energy metering chip [2] is used as the data acquisition unit. The hardware circuit uses the AEM7TEMI-S core, the single power supply, the LLQFP64 package LPC2132, the multi-function development board with the functions of simulation debugging, ISP programming and so on. On this basis, the system has been developed for two times. The system has data collection and optimization function, and the monitoring data is displayed on the computer end by RS485 bus. The intelligent monitoring [3] system can intelligent and effective control and control the facilities that need electrical energy management, such as multichannel power head cabinet, machine room distribution cabinet and so on. It can be used for power parameters (voltage, current, electric power, power, power, power, etc.). The power factor, frequency and so on are accurate, on time measurement, and can be accurately judged and highly fault-tolerant. Through the embedded intelligent monitoring system, the centralized monitoring and management of the electric energy [4] is strengthened, and the monitoring efficiency and control are greatly improved. The system is composed of signal conditioning circuit [5], three phase electric energy metering chip ADE7758, microprocessor LPC2132, SPI Bus communication, serial communication, computer terminal monitoring software and power supply circuit together. Microprocessor LPC2132 transforms analog signals into data acquisition, control process, digital signal [6] for reading or other purposes by means of signal conditioning circuits, and then transmitted to high precision metering chip ADE7758 for data acquisition. After the data is processed, the data is transmitted to the computer terminal application software through the communication interface.
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