[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology and social economy, the quality of life of people has made a leap, but also brought negative products, the aging population is one of them. It not only leads to the sharp reduction of social labor force, labor ratio imbalance, but also occupies more social resources for the elderly and old-age care, and increases the economic burden of the society, the government and the family. At present, our country is still in the primary stage of socialism, and the present social situation makes it a great challenge to bear the burden of aging population. According to statistics, fall is the leading cause of non-pathological hospitalization and death in the elderly aged 60 and above, and the rate is still rising every year. At present, domestic and foreign markets, the lack of elderly fall protection, prediction and alarm of mature products. The misjudgment of fall behavior and other similar processes in the elderly is particularly obvious. There are still many key scientific and technical problems to be solved in this field. The purpose of this paper is to study the human fall detection system based on acceleration sensor, including hardware device and detection algorithm, and analyze the fall behavior in time domain and frequency domain. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) starting with the research background and significance of fall detection, this paper introduces the current situation of social population and the harm of fall. Combined with the main research methods and present situation at home and abroad, a human fall detection system based on acceleration sensor is proposed, and the portable and real-time characteristics of the system are pointed out. (2) the changes and characteristics of human posture and motion acceleration during fall are analyzed. The analysis and selection of the human body parts characterized by the fall were carried out. STM8L is selected as the microcontroller of the system MPU6050 as the sensor of collecting data, HC-05 as the communication module, and the host computer is built with VS2010, and the overall structure of the system is constructed. The data sets including daily behavior, fall behavior and similar fall behavior are established by experiments. (3) feature extraction and analysis of human behavior in time domain. Based on the amplitude of the combined acceleration and the inclination of the gravity direction, an algorithm for detecting the fall behavior in time domain is proposed. The experimental results show that the algorithm has a high recognition effect in distinguishing human motion from lying down posture. (4) in the transform domain, the human behavior information is analyzed. Two classical algorithms, Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and discrete CoSine transform (DCT), are used to transform the signal. After pretreatment, feature extraction and subspace feature reduction are done. Based on the statistical learning theory and support vector machine, the optimal classification interface is used as the threshold information in fall detection, and a fall behavior detection algorithm based on frequency domain analysis is proposed. (5) in the sample space, the algorithms are verified. The detection method based on fast Fourier transform (FFT) based on two-dimensional principal component analysis (PCA) is presented in this paper, and the recognition rate is up to 95%, which proves the superiority of this method. Finally, the shortcomings of the system are summarized, and suggestions for further work are put forward.
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