[Abstract]:Belt and Road has opened up a new chapter in the history of connectivity between China and the world. One of the connotations of Belt and Road's strategic concept is to create a modern version of connectivity, which coincides with ASEAN's overall plan for connectivity. Both China and ASEAN are full of demand for interconnection. The main part of this paper first analyzes the connotation and vision of interconnection under Belt and Road's strategy, and combs the latest progress in the five major fields of policy communication, facility connectivity, smooth trade, capital financing, and mutual communication among the people. Secondly, the paper discusses the deep motive of the cooperation between China and ASEAN, and analyzes the scale economy effect and trade creation effect of interconnection. The four mechanisms of competition effect and normative behavior effect have an impact on social and economic activities. Thirdly, the paper summarizes the influence of interconnection on Chinese economy, and uses gravity model for reference to measure the economic effects of interconnection construction on import and export trade by econometric method. Subsequently, the article briefly describes the strategic interests of connectivity to ASEAN. The results show that interconnection greatly promotes the economic and trade exchanges between China and ASEAN and gains more benefits. Therefore, China-ASEAN cooperation to promote interconnection in line with the interests of both sides. At the same time, the article also pointed out that the promotion of connectivity will meet political and economic challenges. In view of these challenges, the paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.
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