[Abstract]:The global knowledge economy has ushered in the era of great development of mathematics, among which the most noticeable is the unprecedented development of mathematics application and the cultivation of students' innovative consciousness in mathematics learning. In order to respond to the demands of the era of knowledge economy and adapt to the value orientation of mathematics curriculum, the curriculum reform of our country turns "two energy" into "four energy" (that is, the ability to find and raise problems). The ability to analyze and solve problems is included in the expression of the overall objective of the course, changing "practice and comprehensive application" into "synthesis and practice" and "number and algebra", "graphics and geometry". Statistics and probability together form the content of each course. The curriculum standard requires the students of the third learning section to learn from the "synthesis and practice" to gradually learn to find problems from the point of view of mathematics in specific situations, to raise problems, and to enhance their consciousness of innovation. How to make effective use of the platform of "synthesis and practice", so that students can find problems in the relaxed and pleasant mathematical atmosphere, so as to cultivate students' ability and consciousness to find problems has become a problem that teachers must face directly. This article uses the literature research method, the theory analysis method, the case analysis method and the interview method to define the discovery problem and the related concepts of "synthesis and practice", and discusses the feasibility of the research. This paper probes into the principles and methods of teaching design of "synthesis and practice" in junior high school mathematics based on problem finding, which is divided into three parts. The first part defines the concepts of "synthesis and practice" and "discovery problem" by means of theoretical analysis on the basis of consulting data, and then experiences the discovery of problems from the process of "synthesis and practice", respectively. This paper provides a platform for discovering problems and expounds the feasibility of cultivating students' ability to discover problems in the field of "synthesis and practice". In the second part, the author analyzes Dewey's theory of "doing middle school", Friedenthal's theory of "mathematics" and "re-creation", Bruner's theory of discovery learning and constructivism theory. This paper discusses the principles of "synthesis and practice" teaching design of junior high school mathematics based on discovering problems, that is, the principles of teaching democracy, adaptability, creativity and discovery. By using the method of case analysis, this paper analyzes the teaching cases of "synthesis and practice" to cultivate the ability of discovering problems, and constructively puts forward the idea of creating mathematics inquiry situation in connection with life, arousing students' interest in finding problems. Finding problems in association, finding problems in the transformation of graphics, Some teaching methods such as finding problems from different methods of seeking problem solving and finding problems from summary and reflection are suitable for the teaching design of "synthesis and practice" in junior high school mathematics based on discovering problems. In the third part, according to the principles and methods of the "synthesis and practice" teaching design of junior high school mathematics based on the problem finding, from the analysis of teaching content, the analysis of learning situation, the analysis of teaching objectives and difficulties, The design of teaching process and the instruction of teaching design are designed to explore the magic square of Bei teacher's edition, and the students of seventh grade in a middle school in Chongqing are interviewed after class.
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