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发布时间:2018-09-13 09:35
[Abstract]:At present, many scholars and governments at all levels are devoted to the study of the evaluation of ecological civilization, but the evaluation of ecological civilization in the water source area is still relatively small. The core water source area of Danjiangkou is the most important part of the Middle Route Project of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. In order to accomplish the task of "transporting clear water from one reservoir to the North sustainably", the ecological health of the water source area is particularly important. The innovation of this paper is mainly in two aspects. The index system is the basis of the evaluation of ecological civilization. At present, the index system of ecological civilization is mostly from the three systems of economy, society and environment. In order to highlight the importance of water resources, this paper chooses two important factors of water resources, water quality and water quantity, and builds an evaluation index system of ecological civilization suitable for water sources. The results of ecological civilization evaluation are mainly based on the administrative divisions, but not beyond the artificial boundaries of the administrative areas. In this paper, the evaluation unit selection is based on the administrative divisions, on the one hand, each county covered by the water source area is taken as the evaluation unit, on the other hand, the water source area is divided into river basins by GIS technology. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) Establishment of index system. Combining with the current situation of the study area and based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the construction of three secondary indexes, namely, social economy, ecological environment and ecological waters, is made up of three secondary indexes, eight indexes. The evaluation index system of ecological civilization in the core water source area of Danjiangkou with three-level index and 26 single-factor index is established, and the weights of each index are calculated based on AHP. (2) The evaluation unit is determined. Basin unit is based on DEM, using GIS hydrological analysis, by extracting water network, calculating flow direction, confluence cumulative amount and other hydrological parameters, the study area is divided into 11 sub-basins. (3) Evaluation of ecological civilization factor-social and economic development of Danjiangkou core water source area. Statistical data and basic geographic data are used to analyze the social and economic development level of each evaluation unit from three aspects of economic development, social development and geographical advantages. The social and economic development of Kou, Dengzhou, Sihe, Hanjiang and Duanhe river valleys is relatively high, while that of other areas and river valleys is relatively low. (4) Ecological civilization factor-ecological environment evaluation of Danjiangkou core water source area. The ecological environment quality of each evaluation unit is analyzed from two aspects of ecological sensitivity and resource abundance. For each district and county, the ecological environment quality of Baihe County, Zhuxi County, Zhushan County, Fangxian County and Yunxi County is better, while the ecological environment quality of Shiyan City, Danjiangkou City and Dengzhou City is relatively poor. The best quality is Huo River Basin and Guandu River Basin, the worst is Sihe River Basin, Taohe River Basin and Danjiang River Basin. (5) Evaluation of ecological civilization factor-ecological water area in Danjiangkou core water source area. Based on the water quality monitoring and Soil Erosion Comprehensive evaluation, the soil erosion amount in the study area was estimated. The water area per capita, the total water area and the proportion of water area were selected to approximate evaluate the water resources abundance in the study area. The ecological waters of Taohe River Basin are the best with clean water quality and abundant water, followed by Yunyang District, Danjiang River Basin, Tianhe River Basin and Hanjiang River Basin, while the ecological waters of Shiyan City, Dengzhou City, Sihe River Basin and Guandu River Basin are relatively poor. (6) Comprehensive evaluation of ecological civilization in the core water source area of Danjiangkou. The ecological civilization index of the core water source area of Danjiangkou was calculated by GIS technology, and the ecological civilization index of each administrative unit and each river basin was counted by zoning. The results were graded by analyzing the three factors. The influence of the development of ecological civilization in the water source area, combined with the characteristics of each district, county and river basin, put forward suggestions to promote the development of ecological civilization in each county and river basin.


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