[Abstract]:Objective: To investigate the factors influencing the placement of IUD in married women after induced abortion and the adverse reactions of women who received IUD at 1 month and 3 months after operation, and to analyze the factors influencing the placement and non-placement of IUD in married women after induced abortion. Methods: From September 2014 to May 2015, we conducted family planning clinic in the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University. 542 married and fertile women who terminated pregnancy after induced abortion were selected as subjects, 209 women with IUD and 333 women without IUD. Self-designed IUD placement service questionnaire was used to conduct a questionnaire survey, and women with IUD placement were followed up by telephone at 1 and 3 months after operation to investigate the adverse reactions. Conditions. Questionnaire data were entered into the computer by using Epidata 3.1 software to establish a database of factors related to placement of IUD after induced abortion for married and fertile women. All data were analyzed by SPSS16.0 software package. The comparison of the data was made by chi-square test, and multiple response variable method was applied to multiple choice questions. Results: 1. After induced abortion, the women who chose to place IUD and those who did not place IUD were in age, education level, occupation, the way of using contraceptive methods, the channels of obtaining knowledge about contraceptive methods and the IUD. 2. The higher the education level, the lower the IUD placement ratio. 3. The more pregnant the married women, the higher the IUD placement ratio. For the control group, OR = 3.0). The higher the parity, the higher the placement rate of IUD (OR = 4.1). The shorter the time between the last delivery and the present, the lower the placement rate of IUD (OR = 2.7-14.2). 4. The better the placement of IUD, the higher the awareness rate of IUD placement immediately after induced abortion. There was a significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.05). The proportion of women who chose to place IUD without fertility requirement was much higher than that of women who had fertility requirement (OR = - 15.2). The higher the cost of IUD, the lower the proportion of women who placed IUD (OR = 3.2-11.4). 5. Multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis showed significant difference. After controlling for other factors, the main factors affecting the placement of IUD after induced abortion for married and fertile women were fertility demand (OR = 24.0), ability to bear the cost of IUD (OR = 3.2-10.8), parity (OR = - 3.5), age (OR = 1.1-3.3) and awareness of placement of IUD immediately after induced abortion (OR = 1.7). 6.209 women chose to placement of IUD. The main reasons were convenience 106 cases (50.7%), safety 82 cases (39.2%), reluctance to take medicine and condom 66 cases (31.6%), high contraceptive efficiency 57 cases (27.3%) and lack of fertility demand 55 cases (26.3%) in the past three years. There were 79 cases (37.8%) and 50 cases (23.9%) respectively, 78 cases (37.3%) were worried about the change of bleeding pattern before operation, 29 cases (13.9%) were worried about the abnormality 3 months after operation, 75 cases (35.9%) were worried about low back pain before operation and 10 cases (4.8%) were worried about abdominal pain 3 months after operation. 85 cases (55.6%), 246 cases (73.9%) worried about the risk of IUD placement, less affected by policy, western culture and economic factors. Conclusion: 1. The most important factors affecting the placement of IUD in married women with abortion are reproductive needs, followed by economic factors, parity, age and awareness of placement of IUD immediately after abortion. 2. Married women Influencing factors of IUD placement for women with childbearing mainly depend on the advantages of IUD, personal preferences, family contraceptive responsibilities, government policies, and their own diseases. 4. For married and fertile women who choose not to place IUD after abortion, the main reason for not placing IUD is that they have reproductive needs in the past three years, followed by worrying about changes in bleeding patterns, foreign body rejection and low back pain.
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