[Abstract]:The general ERP system used by most small and medium-sized printing enterprises focuses on financial management, while the professional printing ERP system is prohibitive for most enterprises because of its high cost. The design of a ERP system that meets the needs of small and medium-sized printing enterprises can help the enterprises to realize the integrated management of production process, strengthen the efficiency of the staff, and improve the economic benefits of the enterprises. According to the actual management needs of small and medium-sized printing enterprises and the current research situation at home and abroad, this paper expounds the feasibility and necessity of the application of ERP system in printing enterprises. Based on the basic theory of ERP system, this paper analyzes the requirements of ERP system information, sales, production, warehouse and statistics of printing enterprises from three aspects: business, functionality and non-functional requirements. Using the PowerBuilder programming tool, the related technology of the Client/Server structure system and the SQL Server 2008 database management system, combined with the management thought of the ERP system, the ERP system suitable for the small and medium-sized printing enterprises is constructed. Firstly, the overall architecture of ERP system and the function module of the system are designed. The system function modules include five modules: information, sales, production, warehouse and statistical management. The emphasis is on the pre-press, mid-print and post-press management of the production process of printing enterprises. Secondly, the entity E-R diagram and the table structure diagram of the important modules are designed and drawn, and the detailed contents of the database form are given. Finally, the user login interface and each functional module interface are presented, and the flow chart of user operation of each module is drawn. At present, the basic production business process of the ERP system of this enterprise has been able to run smoothly. Through the integrated management of sales, production, warehouse management and statistics, the management efficiency of the company has been greatly improved and the design goal has been realized.
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