[Abstract]:Since the 11th Five-Year Plan, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and local party committees and governments at various levels, all localities and departments concerned have conscientiously implemented the State Council's opinions on further strengthening Fire Control work, and China's fire control work has made remarkable progress. However, with the rapid development of China's economy and society, the public's awareness of fire safety does not adapt to the requirements of modern social management, and the fire safety situation is still grim. In order to improve the quality of fire safety and reduce the hidden dangers of fire safety, the fire department needs to organize and carry out the fire protection inspection work. However, nowadays the fire protection inspection work mainly has the following problems: first, the instant message transmission is blocked, The main person in charge of the fire department can not supervise the real work situation of the fire patrol personnel; second, it is difficult to collect and organize the patrol inspection data, most of the inspection records are kept on paper, and the analysis and statistics of the inspection results can not be carried out in time; Third, the inspection plan is improperly managed, unable to form the flow management mechanism. In order to better serve the fire control management system and further consolidate the foundation of the fire fighting work, this paper designs the fire patrol inspection system. QR code combining with the QR code watermark has the advantages of strong error correction ability, large capacity, easy recognition and so on. In the system, the mobile terminal scanning QR code is used to carry out the inspection work, which not only realizes the paperless inspection work, but also ensures the real arrival rate of the patrol personnel. However, due to the open coding mode of QR code, the security of QR code used in fire patrol system is slightly insufficient due to the lack of anti-counterfeiting method in strict sense. Digital watermarking technology uses the feature of data redundancy in image information to hide the basic information of fire protection facilities in QR code in order to achieve information hiding and enhance the security of patrol inspection. Therefore, the combination of digital watermarking technology and QR code technology can greatly improve the security of QR code and fire patrol system. The main work of this paper is as follows: a mass digital watermarking algorithm based on QR code is studied. After analyzing the encoding and decoding principle of QR code, according to the error correcting coding characteristics of QR code, the embedding position of watermark information is controlled by key, and the watermark information is embedded at the interface of QR code module by adjusting the QR code module boundary. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is superior to the existing algorithms in terms of embeddable capacity and resistive scaling attack. Design and develop a fire protection inspection system based on QR code watermark. The system is divided into two subsystems. One is the fire patrol management system in the web terminal. It is a web project developed based on the framework of Jeesite. The system realizes the functions of managing the patrol plan and managing the fire protection facilities resources, etc. The system also makes use of the large capacity QR code watermarking algorithm to embed the basic information of the fire protection facility into the corresponding QR code of each fire protection facility. The second is the mobile terminal of the mobile phone, which realizes the query and inspection plan, uses the QR code transmitted from the fire patrol management system to scan the fire protection facilities, uploads the patrol results and so on. The use of the fire protection patrol system improves the level of information of the fire department, the efficiency of the fire protection inspection, the effective management of the basic situation of the fire protection facilities, and ensures the real arrival rate of the patrol personnel. Solve the problem of timely upload of inspection results.
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