[Abstract]:With the continuous development of economic globalization, the role of innovative enterprises in international competition is increasingly prominent. In recent years, China's innovative enterprises have made rapid development, a large number of innovative enterprises have been born. However, compared with the developed countries, the birth rate of innovative enterprises in China is still faced with many problems. The birth rate of regional innovative enterprises is relatively low, and there are significant differences between the birth rates of innovative enterprises in different regions. Its important root is that there are significant differences between the birth of innovative enterprises and those of traditional enterprises, and the influence of different factors on their birth. Therefore, this paper analyzes the objective factors affecting the birth rate of innovative enterprises in China and its mechanism of action, and probes into the causes of regional differences in birth rate of innovative enterprises in China, so as to promote the continuous improvement of birth rate of innovative enterprises in various regions of our country. It is of great significance. First of all, the paper summarizes the relevant research at home and abroad, and defines the connotation and characteristics of innovative enterprises, and then determines the basic elements needed for the construction of innovative enterprises and the action mechanism of each element. According to the existing literature, this paper summarizes and constructs the general model of the birth of innovative enterprises. At the same time, according to the different birth forms of innovative enterprises, the innovative enterprises are divided into two categories: congenital innovative enterprises and acquired innovative enterprises. Two kinds of birth basis models of innovative enterprises are constructed. On the basis of the above analysis, combining with relevant theories and literature, this paper selects reasonable indicators to measure the location difference of birth rate of two kinds of innovative enterprises in China, and combines spatial measurement model and threshold panel model to modify and perfect the basic model. Finally, through the empirical method, the specific factors that cause the regional difference of birth rate between the two types of innovative enterprises and the interaction between the factors are obtained.
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