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发布时间:2018-11-09 15:47
[Abstract]:Water environment belongs to the cross category of water conservancy and environmental science. It mainly studies the objective environmental condition of water body and the degree of influence brought about by human production and living activities. And it can provide norms and guidance for human beings to carry out production and life activities in an orderly and efficient way. 1. 24 surface water functional areas in Liaoyang City are divided into 8 regions according to the inheritance of spatial layout and the similarities and differences of water quality standards. The seasonal kendall test was used to analyze the trend of water quality change in 8 regions from 2010 to 2014. The results show that the pollution of NH3-N is more serious, and the pollution of other control factors is lighter. The water quality of only Tanghe and Lanhe in Liaoyang City shows a trend of deterioration, and the water quality of other rivers has been improved. 2. According to the idea of "vertical distribution of pollutants", a one-dimensional model of pollutant absorption capacity is adopted. The pollution absorption capacity of 24 surface water functional areas in Liaoyang City was calculated by default method and the relevant parameters were determined by mathematical statistics and other methods. The results showed that, except for TN, the pollutant absorption capacity of the other four pollutants decreased year by year, and the average annual pollutant absorption capacity of COD was 25516.56 t ~ + NH _ 3-N and volatile phenol were relatively small (269.43 t ~ (-1) ~ 114.16 t). In Liaoyang County, the average annual capacity is 21709.46 t, the minimum in Gongchang Ridge is 1306.46 t, the average annual capacity of Taizi River is 12617.71 t, the minimum of Lanhe is 313.02 t; The annual capacity of agricultural water use area is 17324.49 t, and the minimum of industrial water area is 1591.12t.3.The method of spatial decomposition is used to decompose the total amount of sewage in Liaoyang City, and the total amount control scheme is given. The results showed that the total emission limit of TP,COD, volatilized phenol decreased year by year in Liaoyang city, but NH3-N,TN did not show consistent change, and only volatile phenol did not need to be reduced. The task of NH3-N abatement was 1023.11 t. In Liaoyang County, the annual pollutant emission limit is as high as 20978.83 t, in Liaoyang urban area, the city of Dengta is close, and the minimum is 312.70 t in Gongchang Ridge region, and the reduction of Tanghe and Liugou River reaches to a large extent, which is higher than the average reduction level of the whole city. To sum up, this paper mainly analyzes and calculates the environmental situation of surface water, the trend of water quality change, the ability to absorb pollution, and the total amount of limited discharge in Liaoyang City from 2010 to 2014, which can provide reference and basis for the future economic and social development and related planning of Liaoyang City.


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