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发布时间:2018-12-05 17:34
【摘要】:交替传译作为口译的一种重要形式,在当今这个迅速发展的社会中拥有很大的需求。快速有效地培养出高水平的交替传译人才能促进世界各国、各地域之间在政治、经济、军事、文化、社会等方面的交流,从而促进世界的联系和发展。因而,对交替传译无论是在实践上的操作,还是理论上的研究都有着显著的意义。虽然,前人已进行了大量有关交替传译的研究,研究角度、研究方法以及研究成果都十分丰富,但该领域的研究依旧尚未发展成熟,研究仍存在许多不足和可提升空间。本研究从交替传译质量的影响因素着手,以Gile提出的精力分配模式为理论基础,选取工作记忆和笔记精简度这两个因素为研究对象,通过实证的研究方法来检验工作记忆和笔记精简度对交替传译是否有影响,以及影响的程度。本研究选取福州市某大学英语口译专业研二的学生为受试,探讨学习者内部因素中工作记忆、笔记精简度与交替传译质量之间的关系,主要探索以下三个问题:(1)交替传译高、低水平组译者在工作记忆容量上是否有差异性?(2)交替传译高、低水平组译者在笔记精简度上是否有差异性?(3)交替传译高、低水平组的工作记忆容量和笔记精简度是否对交替传译质量有预测力?将收集到的数据录入计算机,利用统计软件SPSS 13.0进行相应的统计分析,结果显示:(1)交替传译高、低水平组译者在工作记忆容量上没有显著差异性;(2)交替传译高、低水平组译者在笔记精简度上有显著差异性;(3)交替传译高、低水平组的工作记忆容量对交替传译质量没有预测力,交替传译高、低水平组的笔记精简度对交替传译质量有预测力,预测力分别是40.2%和50.3%。
[Abstract]:As an important form of interpretation, consecutive interpretation has great demand in this rapidly developing society. In order to promote the communication between countries and regions in politics, economy, military, culture, society and so on, the high level of consecutive interpreters can be trained quickly and effectively, thus promoting the contact and development of the world. Therefore, the study of consecutive interpretation is of great significance both in practice and in theory. Although many researches on consecutive interpretation have been carried out, the research angle, research methods and research results are very rich, but the research in this field is still not mature, and there are still many deficiencies and room for promotion. This study starts with the factors affecting the quality of consecutive interpretation, takes the energy distribution model proposed by Gile as the theoretical basis, and selects working memory and note reduction as the research objects. An empirical study was conducted to examine whether and to what extent working memory and note reduction had an impact on consecutive interpretation. This study was conducted to explore the relationship between working memory, note reduction and consecutive interpretation quality among the internal factors of English interpreting students from a Fuzhou university. The main problems are as follows: (1) is there any difference in working memory capacity between high and low level translators? (2) high consecutive interpretation; Are there any differences in note reduction between the low level group and the low level group? (3) does the working memory capacity and note reduction of the low level group have a predictive effect on the consecutive interpretation quality? The collected data was input into the computer and the statistical software SPSS 13.0 was used to carry out the corresponding statistical analysis. The results showed that: (1) there was no significant difference in the working memory capacity of the translators in the low level group with high consecutive interpretation; (2) there are significant differences in note reduction between high and low level translators; (3) the working memory capacity of the low level group had no predictive power to the consecutive interpretation quality, but the low level group had the ability to predict the consecutive interpretation quality, the predictive power was 40.2% and 50.3%, respectively.


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