[Abstract]:The textual research is an important way to improve the level of self-knowledge and promote the self-development of college students. In the background of the increase of the competitive pressure of the social employment, the certificate has become an important proof symbol in addition to the degree of education, thus causing the university to prove the heat. However, the examination of the certificate has some non-standard phenomena in the course of development, which affects the healthy development of the university's textual research. Therefore, the problems existing in the current certificate examination are analyzed and the countermeasures are provided in combination with the current situation of the textual research in Xinjiang. It is not only the requirement of the sustainable development of the certificate test, but also the internal demand of the benign development of higher education in Xinjiang and the internal power to promote the positive development of the social economy in Xinjiang. This study conducted a random sample survey of full-time undergraduate students in four universities in Xinjiang through a self-made "The present situation of college students' textual research in Xinjiang" questionnaire. The main content of the questionnaire is to reflect the current status of the textual research of the college students in Xinjiang from the aspects of the "Basic information of textual research" textual research and the textual research of the "influence of textual research" of professional learning. On this basis, the author makes a scientific analysis on the basis of the relevant interview materials. The research has found that the college students in Xinjiang have formed a hot upsurge of textual research. The outstanding problems in the textual research of the college students in Xinjiang are as follows: the source of the textual research information is not reasonable; the reasons of the textual research and the selection of the certificates are of utilitarianism; The time and energy of the textual research are insufficient; the training of the textual research is not standardized; the content of the examination form is to be reasonable; and the development of the follow-up study of the textual research is not sufficient. The reason of the research in this study is that the cause of the prominent problem of the campus textual research is mainly from the society, The reasons of the social level are the lack of the certificate management system, the misinformation of the public opinion, the high consumption of the employing unit and the utilitarianism of the training institution. There is a lack of comprehensive and objective understanding of the textual research, the lack of independent thinking and the ability of rational choice, and the lack of clear personal planning. The research is based on the actual situation of the textual research of the college students in Xinjiang, The paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the current situation of the textual research of the college students in Xinjiang. The social level should be as follows: to promote the rationalization of the content and form of the textual research; to improve the management system and regulations of the certificate test; to improve the evaluation and selection mechanism of the talent ability; to change the concept of the social talents; To create a positive atmosphere of social public opinion, the university of Xinjiang should do the following: First of all, to correctly understand the phenomenon of the campus textual research, and to establish the information platform of the textual research and to actively guide the students' textual research. To optimize the function of the personnel training, to combine the educational resources of the university and the training resources of the textual research. The students of Xinjiang should set up the correct learning view, the values, and improve the comprehensive quality of the university, and define the self-development goal. It is helpful to enrich the relevant theories on the textual research of the university and help to understand the present situation and the cause of the textual research of the undergraduates in Xinjiang. It is helpful to promote the development of higher education in Xinjiang and to promote the progress of the social economy.
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