[Abstract]:With the rapid development of society, severe human activities lead to the decline of environmental quality and other ecological problems, which seriously threaten the sustainable development of society. At present, nitrogen elements and related indicators have been widely used in ecological, biological, environmental and chemical studies. Domestic studies on nitrogen elements tend to direct emission areas such as water environment, and risk assessment focuses on human health. The risk of gradual change caused by long-term human activities at the regional scale is less discussed, with more emphasis on specific human activities or industrial forms, and a lack of comprehensive assessment of the impact of nitrogen input on human activities. Taking the typical rapidly urbanizing city of Shenzhen as the study area and taking the nitrogen input into the human activity process as the entry point, this paper quantitatively estimates the nitrogen input from 1991 to 2014 according to three types of activities: industrial production, resident life and agricultural production. Based on the analysis of spatial difference of nitrogen input, the ecological risk of urbanization in Shenzhen from 2000 to 2014 was analyzed by continuous high value region and elevated region of nitrogen input. The main contents and results are as follows: (1) the quantitative estimation of nitrogen input from 1991 to 2014 is based on statistical yearbook data. The total nitrogen input from 1991 to 2014 in Shenzhen City shows an increasing trend and then decreases, which is mainly affected by the nitrogen input in the life process of residents. The nitrogen input in the process of agricultural production in Shenzhen decreased year by year. The nitrogen input in the industrial production process decreased first and then increased. At the turning point in 2001, the nitrogen input in the life process of the residents increased first and then decreased. Both of them were affected by sewage discharge. Based on the correlation analysis of socio-economic factors related to urbanization, it is shown that the nitrogen input in the agricultural production process is affected by the added value of the primary industry, the population and the area of agricultural land, and the nitrogen input in the life process of the residents is affected by the output value of the tertiary industry. The urban total nitrogen input was affected by GDP. The nitrogen input in industrial production process is affected by the change of industrial structure. (2) the spatial difference and grade change of nitrogen input are analyzed by using ArcGIS combined with remote sensing data. High value region concentration of nitrogen input in Shenzhen, 2000-2003 In Luohu and Fukuda districts in the southwest of the city, This is a region with intensive human socio-economic activities throughout the city. In 2006, the high-value region of nitrogen input in Shenzhen spread to the whole city. In 2010, the high-value region of nitrogen input included Yantian Port and the commercial district of Fukuda District. In 2014, the total amount of nitrogen input into the city was in a balanced and unified state. In the urban nitrogen input grade change, the nitrogen input low-value region to the high-value area scattered around the city. (3) the heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of nitrogen input and the fluctuation of the temporal variation caused the overall imbalance of ecological risk of nitrogen input in Shenzhen. In the south of the city, there are potential ecological risks in the densely populated areas in the west of the city, especially the traffic land, which has brought some threats to Shenzhen. There is a rising trend of nitrogen bearing pressure in Shenzhen during the period of research. In the long run, it will bring pressure to the environment of Shenzhen, and the ecological risk will continue to rise.
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