[Abstract]:At present, due to the increase of the global population, the demand for energy has become an important factor restricting the economic development of all countries in the world. All countries in the world are formulating energy strategies to adapt to the high-speed development of the social environment. At present, the building energy consumption of our country has exceeded 1 / 4 of the total energy consumption of the whole country, and will gradually increase to more than 1 / 3 with the improvement of the living standard of the people. Since the reform and development, with the overall development of the new rural construction, the level of economic construction and energy consumption in rural areas have been continuously improved, especially in recent years, tourism resources in villages and towns have been vigorously exploited. The construction of rural family music is in full swing, although it can effectively solve rural employment and develop rural economy, but there are also some problems, such as the lack of certain energy-saving guidelines and regulatory constraints, the efficiency of rural energy utilization is low. Building energy efficiency is generally not up to standard. Under the background of 3-400 million m2 of newly built public buildings in cities and towns of our country every year, and the energy consumption of general public buildings is five times as much as that of ordinary residential buildings, The situation of energy consumption and energy saving in rural buildings is very serious. For the energy consumption of rural buildings, people should focus on the influencing factors and technical means of building energy consumption. In this paper, based on the current situation of energy consumption of rural buildings in tourism-oriented villages and towns, and according to the needs of related topics in this paper, the basic situation and energy consumption situation of peasant-house buildings in three typical tourist villages and towns are investigated. In this paper, we asked the residents' satisfaction with the indoor thermal environment, measured the thermal physical parameters inside and outside the house, and collected the factors that affect the thermal environment and energy consumption of the building by using sample questionnaire. The three typical villages and towns selected in this paper are Chengdu Sansheng Township, Qingcheng Mountain Town and Emei Huangwan Township. The rural family music in these three areas is characteristic and representative, which can reflect the current situation of building energy consumption and energy saving in tourist villages and towns. Through on-the-spot investigation and on-the-spot survey methods, we have a very detailed understanding of the basic situation of rural buildings in various areas, the basic situation of building energy-consuming equipment, especially the measures of cooling down in summer and heating in winter. The average annual consumption of various energy sources used by each household in the survey sample was statistically analyzed, and the significant factors affecting the energy consumption of the farm house were analyzed by using SPSS software. It is found that the significant linear correlation factors affecting the annual total energy consumption of rural buildings are as follows: the number of busy months, the building area, the number of visitors that can be accepted, the cooling measures in summer and the number of air-conditioners. According to the actual building situation and the influencing factors of energy consumption, the three main aspects of energy consumption improvement are the improvement of building envelope structure, the improvement of building air conditioning system and the improvement of building natural lighting, and through the energy consumption simulation software-DeST,. This paper simulates and analyzes the current state of the enclosure structure and the different indoor temperature of buildings in accordance with the requirements of the Standard for Energy-saving Design of Public buildings and the different working conditions of the air-conditioning system and the air-conditioning system of the buildings under different working conditions. The influence of natural lighting on the annual energy consumption of buildings to put forward the energy-saving measures of buildings. In order to achieve the purpose of building energy conservation, energy utilization efficiency of heating, ventilation and air conditioning system can be improved by fully and reasonably using all kinds of energy sources in Nongjiala building.
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