[Abstract]:In the modern society with rapid economic development, the most fundamental way for enterprises to improve their competitiveness is to carry out technological innovation. As the main body of national innovation, enterprises bear the important task of "innovation-driven development". From the point of view of the governance structure of the enterprise, the board of directors is the "brain" of the enterprise and makes decisions, while the management is the "heart" of the enterprise and implements the decision. In order to carry out technological innovation activities, enterprises first need to make decisions through the research and discussion of the board of directors, and then the management is responsible for the specific implementation according to the decision-making. Finally, the innovation results are reflected in the economic benefits or enterprise value. It is found that Shanxi listed companies have some problems, such as single industrial structure, few high-tech enterprises, weak technological innovation ability, poor executive incentive and so on, and the overall economic strength is poor. On the basis of referring to a large number of domestic and foreign literature, first of all, this paper introduces and defines the director network, executive incentive, technological innovation ability and the concept of enterprise value, and expounds the basic theory related to them. Secondly, this paper makes a simple analysis of the industry distribution of Shanxi listed companies, and compares and analyzes the financial situation, technological innovation ability and executive incentive degree between Shanxi and the central and surrounding provinces, showing the existing problems and shortcomings in Shanxi. In addition, the basic information of independent directors is collected, and the basic information of independent directors is collected and analyzed by EXCEL. The network centrality index of directors is calculated by using social network analysis software PAJEK, and then the descriptive statistics are carried out by using SPSS software combined with other variable financial indicators. Correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Through the empirical study of the relationship between director network, executive incentive and technological innovation ability, it is concluded that the director network has a significant positive correlation with technological innovation ability; There is a significant positive correlation between executive compensation incentive and technological innovation ability, but there is no significant correlation between executive equity incentive and technological innovation ability, and there is a certain alternative relationship between director network and executive compensation incentive. Through the empirical study of the relationship between director network, executive incentive and technological innovation ability and enterprise value, it is concluded that there is a significant negative correlation between director network and executive equity incentive and enterprise value; Executive compensation incentive and technological innovation ability are significantly positively correlated with corporate value. Finally, combined with the research results and practical experience, this paper puts forward some reference suggestions for Shanxi listed companies, and puts forward the shortcomings and prospects of this paper.
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