[Abstract]:With the reform of higher education, the employment of college graduates is no longer uniformly distributed by the state, but by the recruitment units and graduates independently two-way choice, the school only plays a guiding role in the employment of graduates. As a local undergraduate college, Baoshan College, the employment of graduate students is the same as other colleges and universities, students and recruitment units at the same time, the school plays a guiding and management role. The statistics of graduate employment can effectively reflect the quality of running a school, and also provide an effective reference for the adjustment of enrollment major and number. The orientation of employment directly affects the orientation of enrollment. Effective and accurate employment statistics are the key, and also play a decisive role in the transformation and development of local undergraduate colleges and universities and serve the local social economy. Using computer software for information management, data collection and data statistics are the problems that must be solved in the employment business management of Baoshan University at present. This paper introduces the research background, project significance, current research and application status of Baoshan University's employment management information system, and clarifies the content and main work of the paper. In the business analysis, the paper analyzes the problems existing in the graduate employment information management system, the organization, the original business process and so on, and gives the reformed business process. In the functional analysis, through use case analysis and use case description, the paper clarifies the function of the system, and gives the overall function package diagram and sub-function package diagram of the system, including graduate information management, recruitment unit management, recruitment post management. Application management, employment agreement management, graduate dispatch management, graduate tracking management, basic data management and system management sub-package diagram; In the data analysis, the paper analyzes the data needed to be processed by each function of the system, gives the entity class diagram, thumbnail diagram, and establishes the database table structure. Finally, the research and analysis work is summarized, and the further work is prospected.
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