发布时间:2019-06-05 23:52
【摘要】:目前我国正处于老龄化趋势中,空巢老人越来越多,随之老人独居的危险性日益凸显。随着年龄的增加,老年人身体各项机能指标下降,运动能力减退,其中平衡能力出现显著下降的现象,从而增加了老年人跌倒的风险。本实验根据老年人机体状况,选用低强度的黄色弹力带对老年人进行12周的指导性锻炼,目的在于提升老年人肌肉力量,增强老年人平衡能力,降低跌倒风险。研究意义为增强老年人平衡力,来预防突发性跌倒,减弱庞大老年群体在养老、医疗及社会服务等方面对社会的负担和压力,具有重要的社会经济价值。本研究研究方法采用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法。实验对象选取60-72岁的社区老人,男8名,女12名,采用自身对照实验,无对照组。实验方案:每次锻炼过程分为三部分,分别为基本热身环节、弹力带抗阻练习环节和拉伸放松环节。其中弹力带抗阻练习时,受试者根据自身情况调整练习强度,使受试者心率保持在75-105次/分,在此过程中不能憋气进行练习,调整呼吸,同时结合音乐进行练习。以增加上下肢肌力和核心区肌肉力量为目的,设计八个弹力带抗阻动作,每个动作间歇5min,一个动作共练习三组,每组10次,组与组的间歇为30-60s。实验结果:运用Berg平衡量表作为评价老年人平衡功能及跌倒风险的依据,肌力则采用等速肌力测试仪及握力器进行测量。经过12周弹力带抗阻练习测得的结果与实验前的指标进行对比,利用统计软件SPSS 19.0对数据进行双因素方差分析的处理后得出,下肢伸肌峰力距和屈肌峰力距的变化具有显著差异(P0.05),上肢前臂力量握力的变化也具有显著的差异(P0.05),Berg平衡量表的总得分具有非常显著的差异变化(P0.01),其中单腿站立时间增长非常明显(P0.01),反应速度加快,反应时间缩短非常明显(P0.01),最终得出的结论如下:(1)实验前后下肢屈肌和伸肌的肌力均有提高,握力也有明显增长,具有显著性差异,表明低强度间歇的弹力带抗阻练习可以明显增加老年人下肢肌力及前臂力量;(2)实验前后Berg平衡量表得分增长明显,单腿独立站立的时间增长,反应时间的缩短,均具有非常显著性差异,表明弹力带抗阻练习能够明显地提升老年人身体平衡能力水平,有效地降低老年人跌倒的风险。(3)弹力带抗阻练习对老年人平衡能力地提高有明显效果,但与性别无明显关系。建议:弹力带抗阻练习适合老年人日常生活中锻炼,不受时间地点的约束,家中可自行完成。在锻炼的过程中也可以加入音乐,使枯燥的锻炼变得有趣,建议老年大学或者社区老年活动中心将弹力带引入,编成舞蹈或者广场舞,利用器材的新颖性吸引老年人加入活动中,这样在增加肌力和平衡能力的同时,丰富老年人的业余生活,降低老年人的孤独感。
[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the aging trend, there are more and more empty nests, and the risk of elderly living alone is becoming more and more prominent. With the increase of age, the physical function indexes and exercise ability of the elderly decreased, and the balance ability decreased significantly, which increased the risk of falls in the elderly. According to the body condition of the elderly, the low intensity yellow elastic band was selected to guide the elderly for 12 weeks. The purpose of this experiment was to improve the muscle strength of the elderly, enhance the balance ability of the elderly and reduce the risk of falls. The significance of the study is to enhance the balance of the elderly, to prevent sudden falls, and to weaken the burden and pressure of large elderly groups on society in the aspects of providing for the aged, medical treatment and social services, which is of great social and economic value. The methods of this study are literature, experiment and mathematical statistics. The subjects, 8 males and 12 females, aged 60 years old and 72 years old, were enrolled in the self-control experiment with no control group. Experimental scheme: each exercise process is divided into three parts, namely, the basic warm-up link, the elastic belt resistance exercise link and the stretch relaxation link. During the elastic band resistance exercise, the subjects adjusted the intensity of the exercise according to their own conditions, so that the heart rate of the subjects was kept at 75 鈮,
[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the aging trend, there are more and more empty nests, and the risk of elderly living alone is becoming more and more prominent. With the increase of age, the physical function indexes and exercise ability of the elderly decreased, and the balance ability decreased significantly, which increased the risk of falls in the elderly. According to the body condition of the elderly, the low intensity yellow elastic band was selected to guide the elderly for 12 weeks. The purpose of this experiment was to improve the muscle strength of the elderly, enhance the balance ability of the elderly and reduce the risk of falls. The significance of the study is to enhance the balance of the elderly, to prevent sudden falls, and to weaken the burden and pressure of large elderly groups on society in the aspects of providing for the aged, medical treatment and social services, which is of great social and economic value. The methods of this study are literature, experiment and mathematical statistics. The subjects, 8 males and 12 females, aged 60 years old and 72 years old, were enrolled in the self-control experiment with no control group. Experimental scheme: each exercise process is divided into three parts, namely, the basic warm-up link, the elastic belt resistance exercise link and the stretch relaxation link. During the elastic band resistance exercise, the subjects adjusted the intensity of the exercise according to their own conditions, so that the heart rate of the subjects was kept at 75 鈮,