[Abstract]:Banks are the largest and oldest of all financial institutions at present. The economic lifeline of any country will be closely related to banks, especially commercial banks, which mainly provide loanable funds for areas in need of funds by absorbing and issuing deposits in this way, so as to support the development of the national economy. Others, including asset management companies, investment companies, guarantee companies and so on, constitute the overall financing system. In recent years, under the influence of internal and external factors, China's economic growth rate continues to show a downward trend, and the development of the banking industry is a typical smooth economic cycle. When economic growth changes from high speed to medium speed, all kinds of risks continue to accumulate and rise, which will be the challenge of a bank's development model in the past, risk management and profit model, especially the risk management model [1]. On the basis of deeply understanding the relevant norms of the New Capital Accord and the risks faced by a bank are mainly reflected in the credit crisis, market crisis and operational crisis, this paper systematically expounds the current popular rating management methods, and at the same time, combined with the actual situation of an enterprise, determines that the credit risk is currently quantifiable and controllable. With the great development of Internet finance and big data, the traditional credit rating has been impacted in the aspects of data sample collection, model development, system use and so on. It is mainly reflected in the full quantification of data samples, the full quantification and unstructure of enterprise behavior data, the requirements of system desktop virtualization, and so on. In recent years, the more mature cloud computing technology, can meet the distributed call resources, big data mining, big data processing ability and resource virtualization. The focus of this paper is a credit rating scheme based on cloud computing, that is, collecting enterprise information and behavior information through distributed platform, modeling and verifying the collected data through big data mining platform, and providing credit rating application cloud desktop through virtualization technology. Through the exploration of the development of credit rating theory and credit rating model, and combined with the related technology and theoretical knowledge of cloud computing, the author finds a credit rating solution model of cloud computing. The cloud computing application of credit rating system is realized by VMware software. Finally, on the basis of theoretical research, according to the realization of the financing platform of small and medium-sized enterprises in a province, the financing platform is introduced into distributed, data mining and virtualization technology, the core of which is the credit rating sub-platform, which uses cloud computing technology to deal with the modeling, operation and use of credit rating by integrating local government data such as industry and commerce, tax, water, electricity and so on.
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