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发布时间:2019-06-15 10:51
[Abstract]:Small and micro enterprises have become the most active part of the market economy in our country, and they are the main force of increasing employment, stabilizing society and independent innovation, and have a high strategic position in the development of national economy and society. In recent years, the state has paid more and more attention to the development of small and micro enterprises, and has issued a lot of policies to support the development of small and micro enterprises accordingly. However, small and micro enterprises are also facing many problems, among which, the talent problem affects the development and growth of small and micro enterprises, and high-end talents flow more to large and medium-sized cities, large and medium-sized enterprises and institutions, which makes it difficult for small and micro enterprises to obtain the core talents needed for development. At the same time, because of the high operating risk and instability of small and medium-sized enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises also pay higher human costs for the same level of human resources. Even so, it is difficult for small and micro enterprises to keep talents, which further increases the operating pressure and risk of enterprises. Knowledge workers are an important carrier of enterprise information resources and innovation ability. For small and micro enterprises, small and micro enterprises are the representative of innovation and entrepreneurship. Without knowledge workers, small and micro enterprises may lack vitality, innovation and so on. Based on this research background, this paper chooses knowledge workers in small and micro enterprises as the research object, and tries to excavate the influencing factors that affect the turnover intention of knowledge workers in small and micro enterprises through empirical research methods. And through the specific field cases for paper analysis. By studying the turnover tendency of knowledge workers in small and micro enterprises, this paper provides a solution for the talent management of small and micro enterprises and reduces the turnover rate of employees, which can better promote the growth and development of small and micro enterprises and enrich the content of human resources management in small and micro enterprises. The full text consists of six chapters, mainly divided into three parts: theoretical research, research design and case analysis. The first part is the theoretical research, including the first chapter, the second chapter, the third chapter content. First of all, this paper puts forward the realistic background of selecting knowledge workers in small and micro enterprises as the research object, and introduces the significance, research methods and technical ideas of this paper. At the same time, based on the profound theoretical basis of management and literature research at home and abroad, this paper defines the concept and characteristics of small and micro enterprises and knowledge workers, and shows the important position of knowledge workers in small and micro enterprises, analyzes the current situation of turnover of knowledge workers in small and micro enterprises, and demonstrates the relationship between psychological contract and turnover tendency of knowledge workers. The second part is the research design, including the fourth chapter to the fifth chapter content, is also the core part of this article. The fourth chapter is on the basis of previous scholars' research, puts forward the influencing factors of employee turnover suitable for this paper, and points out the relationship between the influencing factors, and initially constructs a simple model of employee turnover intention. The fifth chapter is the main research design and research summary, through the field questionnaire, collect questionnaires, analyze the questionnaire, demonstrate the relationship between the influencing factors of employee turnover intention. The research analysis mainly includes descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity analysis, variance analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis, and obtains the hypothetical test results. The third part is the case analysis, based on the above research results, the field investigation and interview of S company, take S company as an example. This paper analyzes the present situation and management experience of human resources in S company, and puts forward some suggestions for human resources management in small and micro enterprises.


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