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发布时间:2018-01-21 22:17

  本文关键词: 社会主义市场经济 劳动 价值 按劳分配 按要素分配 出处:《中共中央党校》2002年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 劳动和劳动价值理论问题是政治经济学的一个基础理论问题,又是社会主义实践发展中的一个现实问题。当今世界科学技术的迅猛发展和社会主义国家的建设实践都向科学社会主义的理论基础——劳动和劳动创造价值的理论提出了巨大挑战。因此,深化对劳动和劳动价值理论的认识,不仅是发展马克思主义本身的理论需要,而且具有关系当前中国特色社会主义实践的重要的现实意义。 综观理论界目前的研究现状,有许多真知灼见,也有许多理论上的不足、误解甚至歪曲。本文从劳动价值论是科学社会主义的理论基石这一角度切入,立足于“正确理解、深入挖掘、丰富发展”这样一个基点,展开对劳动和劳动价值论几个问题的探讨,试图澄清理论界对理论本身的一些混乱的认识和误解,在此基础上,对现实中相关的热点问题提出自己的一些观点和看法。 深化对劳动和劳动价值论的认识,涉及现实中的很多问题和理论本身的方方面面,本文仅就其中的三个关键问题展开探讨:一是劳动的本质问题,二是劳动和价值的创造问题,三是劳动和价值的分配问题。论文的正文也就由此三部分组成。主要内容和观点如下: 上篇 劳动的界定 要深化对劳动价值论的认识,首先必须深化对劳动本身的认识,包括劳动的本质问题,劳动的构成要素问题,劳动形态的划分问题以及劳动形态在当今社会的新变化。 马克思对经济学范畴的劳动的认识有一个从狭义到广义的扩展过程。从狭义来看,劳动是人运用自己的体力和智力借助劳动资料作用于劳动对象创造物质资料形态的使用价值的过程;而广义的劳动还包括与物质资料的生产过程相联系的服务劳动、监督劳动、科技劳动以及表演、艺术等活动。从马克思对劳动的界定和社会实践的发展来看,人类社会所特有的创造物质财富和精神财富的社会活动都是劳动。长期以来,由于传统政治经济学对劳动的认识只局限于生产物质资料的体力劳动,局限于人类改造自然界的活动,一直认为服务、管理、创造精神产品的活动就不是劳动。然而,我们必须看到,随着科技的发展 和生产力的进步,劳动过程的构成要素不断扩展,劳动的内容从生产物质资料 的体力劳动扩大到提供服务产品的服务劳动、创造技术和知识的科技劳动以及 协调组织管理的经营管理劳动。这些劳动形态的比例在不断上升,而且对提高 劳动生产率起着乘数的作用,我们必须给以充分的肯定。因此,当今的社会劳 动己经与马克思所处的时代大不相同,呈现出了新的特点和变化。这些新的特 点和变化对价值和使用价值的创造和生产都必将产生深远的影响。 中 篇 劳动与价值 简要地回顾一下劳动价值论的发展历史,我们可以看出,马克思的劳动价 值论较之以往的理论有了更科学的理论基础和丰富的现实材料,这就是马克思 劳动价值论的三块理论基石和资本主义商品经济的充分发展。因此,本文认为, 马克思对劳动价值论的贡献不仅在于科学地区分了价值和使用价值的概念并赋 予其科学的含义,同时分析了商品的二重属性正是来源于劳动的二重性,并把 劳动价值论建立在劳动本质论、劳动二重性理论和劳动形态理论基础之上,使 得劳动价值论有了坚实的理论基础。 科学准确地理解马克思的劳动价值论,首先必须正确认识马克思研究劳动 价值学说的历史前提和逻辑起点。马克思从资本主义发达的商品经济出发,从 抽象到具体地分析了商品和生产商品的劳动问题,实现了历史与逻辑的统一。 本文认为劳动创造价值的全部含义在于:从劳动的二重属性来看,具体劳动创 造使用价值,,抽象劳动形成商品的价值;从劳动的本质来看,劳动是创造价值 的主体,在创造价值的过程中起着能动的决定性的作用,活劳动形成新价值的 实体,物化劳动的价值构成产品价值的一部分,说劳动创造价值,就是说劳动 一 的整体或说劳动的全部过程创造价值;从劳动形态来看,体力劳动和脑力劳动 都是创造商品价值的劳动。 正确理解劳动价值论,必须正确理解劳动价值论中最基本的范畴——价值 和使用价值的含义及其与科学技术和国民经济核算的关系。不能把经济学意义 上的价值和哲学意义上的价值混为一谈,也不能把科学技术提高劳动生产率的 作用和科技劳动创造更大的价值量混为一谈。 在知识经济条件下,创造科技知识、科技产品的科技劳动和经营管理劳动, 以及提供服务的劳动都是创造价值的劳动,而且科技劳动和管理劳动在创造价 值过程中起着自乘的作用,是主产性劳动。但是,科学技术、高度自动化的机 器体系作为物化劳动本身并不创造价值,不是价值的源泉。因此,劳动价值论 依然没有过时,依然是指导我们研究知识经济和社会主义市场经济的理论指南。 以马克思劳动价值论的理论和方法为指导,区分我国社会主义市场经济条 件下的生产性劳动和非生产性劳动,必然得出一个客观的结论:服?
[Abstract]:Labor and labor value theory is a basic theory of political economics, but also a real problem in the development of socialist practice. In today's world, the rapid development of science and technology and the practice of the construction of socialist country to scientific socialism theory -- labor and labor value creation theory put forward a huge challenge. Therefore, to deepen the understanding of labor and labor value theory, not only is the development of the Marx doctrine theory itself needs, but also has the relationship between the Chinese socialism practice significance.
The current status of the researches in the theoretical circles, there are many high perspicacity there are many theories, the lack of misunderstanding or even distortion. This paper from the perspective of labor value theory is the academic cornerstone of scientific socialism starting, based on the "correct understanding, dig, enrich the development of such a point, discusses on some problems of labor and labor value theory, tries to clarify some confusion in understanding and misunderstanding of the theory itself, on this basis, put forward some ideas and views on hot issues related to reality.
To deepen the understanding of labor and labor value theory, involving the reality of many problems and theory aspects, this paper only three key problems which are discussed: one is the essence of labor, labor and value creation is two, three is the distribution of labor and the value of the text. It is composed of three parts. The main contents and viewpoints are as follows:
The definition of the upper part of labor
To deepen our understanding of labor value theory, we must first deepen our understanding of labor itself, including the nature of labor, the components of labor, the division of labor patterns, and the new changes in the form of labor in today's society.
Know Marx labor on economics is an expansion process from the narrow to broad. From the narrow sense, labor is process of using his physical and mental labor to labor by means of object creation material forms use value; and the generalized work also includes the production process and material contact the service labor supervision, labor, labor of Science and technology and art performances and other activities. Marx from the development of labor and the definition of social practice, the characteristic of human society to create material and spiritual wealth, social activities are labor. For a long time, because of the traditional political economics of labor is limited to the production of material the data of physical labor, limited to the transformation of human nature, has been that the service, management, product creation spirit activity is not labor. However, we will It must be seen, with the development of science and technology
As well as the progress of the productive forces, the elements of the labor process continue to expand, and the content of labor is from the material material.
Physical labor is expanded to provide services for service products, and to create technology and knowledge of science and technology.
Coordination and management of the management of labor. The proportion of these labor forms is rising and improving.
Labor productivity plays the role of multiplier, we must give the full affirmation. Therefore, today's social work
It is different from the times of Marx, which presents new features and changes.
Points and changes will have a profound impact on the creation and production of value and use value.
Middle part labor and value
Briefly reviewing the history of the development of labor theory of value, we can see that Marx's labor price
The theory of value has a more scientific basis and rich realistic material than the previous theory, that is, Marx
The three theoretical cornerstones of the theory of labor value and the full development of the capitalist commodity economy.
Marx's contribution to the theory of labor value lies not only in the concept of value and value, but also in the scientific region.
The meaning of its science is given, and the duality of the dual nature of the commodity is analyzed.
The theory of labor value is based on the theory of labor essence, the theory of duality of labor and the theory of labor form.
The theory of labor value has a solid theoretical basis.
To understand Marx's theory of labor value scientifically and accurately, first of all, we must correctly understand Marx's research work
The historical premise and logical starting point of the theory of value. Marx started from the developed commodity economy of capitalism.
It analyzes the labor problems of goods and production goods in a specific way, and realizes the unification of history and logic.
This article holds that the whole meaning of labor creation value lies in the concrete labor creation from the dual attribute of labor.
To make use of value, the value of the abstract labor to form a commodity; from the essence of labor, labor is the creation of value.
The subject, in the process of creating value, plays a decisive and decisive role, and the living work forms a new value.
The value of physical and materialized labor constitutes a part of the value of the product, which means that labor creates value, that is to say labor.
Create value as a whole or the whole process of labor; from the form of labor, physical labor and mental labor
It is all the labor to create the value of the goods.
To understand the theory of labor value correctly, it is necessary to correctly understand the basic category of the theory of labor value - the value of the labor value theory.
The meaning of and use value and its relationship with science and technology and national economic accounting.
The value of the above is confused with the value of philosophy, and it can not increase the productivity of labor by science and technology.
Effect is mixed with scientific and technological labor to create greater value.
Under the conditions of knowledge economy, scientific and technological knowledge is created, and the labor and management of scientific and technological products are laboring.
And the work of providing services is the work of creating value, and the cost of science and technology and management work at a cost.
The value plays a role in the process, is the major labor. However, science and technology, highly automated machine
As a materialized labor, the system of materialization does not create value, not a source of value. Therefore, the theory of labor value
It is still not out of date and is still a theoretical guide to guide us to study the knowledge-based economy and the socialist market economy.
Guiding the theory and method of Marx's labor theory of value to distinguish the socialist market economy article in China
The productive labor and non productive labor under the piece must come to an objective conclusion:?



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