本文选题:知识经济 + 城市空间结构 ; 参考:《天津大学》2005年博士论文
【摘要】: 当今社会,伴随着信息网络技术的迅猛发展,世界各国家都毫不例外地深受知识经济的作用和影响,知识经济社会是人类经历农业和工业经济社会之后的又一重要经济社会形态,必将对城市空间结构产生极为深远的影响,因而未雨绸缪,超前研究知识经济的发展趋势,揭示知识经济与城市空间结构之间的内在联系,建立与之相应的城市空间结构理论,开展基于知识经济的城市空间结构实证研究,不仅具有重大的理论意义,而且具有极为重要的实践意义。因此,本论文采取自然科学与社会科学相交叉、理论与实证相结合和比较分析的方法,就知识经济与城市空间结构这一前沿课题开展开拓性研究,形成了如下主要结论: 1、城市空间结构既是一种空间现象,更是一种经济现象。经济发展始终对城市空间结构的产生和发展具有决定性作用,城市空间结构是经济社会发展的产物。随着经济社会的不断发展进步,城市空间结构将呈现集中、分散、再集中、再分散的循环周期运动,但每一周期并不是简单地重复,而是呈螺旋式上升和提高的过程。 2、城市空间结构理论或是为了探索一定时期的经济社会发展规律,或是为了解决一定时期的经济社会所面临的突出矛盾,因而具有明显的时代性和阶段性。任何脱离经济社会构建的城市空间结构理论,只能成为空中楼阁。因而将知识经济与城市空间结构问题紧密结合起来进行深入系统的研究,才能构建与知识经济时代相适应的城市空间结构理论。 3、知识经济时代的城市空间结构将主要呈现出城市外部空间结构与全球和区域融合、城市内部空间结构重构两个突出特征。 4、知识经济和城市空间结构不仅是非平衡作用的产物,而且是一种最为典型的耗散结构,因此,本课题试图以非平衡系统理论为基础,构建知识经济时代的城市空间结构理论。 5、为构建与知识经济相适应的城市空间结构,天津要在积极推进京津冀地区空间一体化,构筑京津世界级城市连绵带的同时,加快开发建设知识创新园区、滨海产业和物流园区、北部休闲度假区,形成知识经济、产业经济与旅游经济齐头并进、良性互动的局面。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the rapid development of information network technology, every country in the world is deeply influenced by the knowledge economy. Knowledge-based economy society is another important economic and social form of human being after experiencing agriculture and industrial economic society. It will have a profound influence on the urban spatial structure, so we should plan ahead and study the development trend of knowledge economy ahead of time. It is not only of great theoretical significance to reveal the internal relationship between knowledge economy and urban spatial structure, but also to establish the corresponding theory of urban spatial structure and carry out empirical research on urban spatial structure based on knowledge economy. And has extremely important practice significance. Therefore, this paper adopts the method of crossing natural science and social science, combining theory with demonstration and comparative analysis, and carries out pioneering research on the frontier subject of knowledge economy and urban spatial structure, and comes to the following main conclusions: 1. Urban spatial structure is not only a spatial phenomenon, but also an economic phenomenon. Economic development has always played a decisive role in the emergence and development of urban spatial structure, which is the product of economic and social development. With the continuous development and progress of economy and society, the urban spatial structure will present a cycle of concentration, dispersion, re-concentration and re-dispersion, but each cycle is not simply repeated, but a spiral process of rising and improving. 2. The theory of urban spatial structure is either to explore the law of economic and social development in a certain period of time, or to solve the prominent contradiction faced by the economic society in a certain period, so it has obvious epoch and stage. Any theory of urban spatial structure, which is divorced from the economic and social construction, can only become a castle in the air. Therefore, the theory of urban spatial structure can be constructed according to the knowledge economy and urban spatial structure. 3. In the era of knowledge economy, the urban spatial structure will mainly present two prominent features: the integration of the urban external spatial structure with the global and regional integration, and the reconstruction of the urban internal spatial structure. 4. Knowledge economy and urban spatial structure are not only the product of unbalanced action, but also a typical dissipative structure. Therefore, this paper attempts to construct the theory of urban spatial structure in the era of knowledge economy based on the theory of non-equilibrium system. 5. In order to construct the urban spatial structure adapted to the knowledge economy, Tianjin should speed up the development and construction of the knowledge innovation park while actively promoting the spatial integration of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and constructing the continuous belt of world-class cities in Beijing and Tianjin. The coastal industry and logistics park, the north leisure resort area, forms the knowledge economy, the industrial economy and the tourism economy go hand in hand, the benign interaction situation.
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