本文选题:可持续发展战略 + 经济形态 ; 参考:《广东工业大学》2000年硕士论文
【摘要】: 本文主要研究中国可持续发展战略下的经济形态选择问题。经济形态是 一个比较模糊的经济概念。本文将经济形态概念定义为经济发展一定阶段上 生产力状况的总和,并以此划分出农业经济、工业经济和知识经济三种经济 形态。所以中国可持续发展战略下的经济形态研究必然涉及当前社会经济领 域两大热点问题,,即“可持续发展问题”问题和“知识经济”问题。 从可持续发展这一角度出发来探讨中国发展知识经济问题是本文的一个 特点。实现可持续发展是全人类共同的目标,而具体的经济形态只是实现这 一目标的手段。因此联系可持续发展来讨论中国发展知识经济问题更具目的 性。 本文首先进行理论研究,然后对中国的实际情况作系统分析,最后通过 理论联系实际,发现问题、提出问题并解决问题。 可持续发展理论和经济形态理论研究表明知识经济是一种可持续发展的 经济形态,而中国经济发展的因素分析和阶段分析表明中国现阶段不具备全 面发展知识经济的现实条件。因此要实现可持续发展,对尚处于工业化快速 起飞阶段的中国而言,在作经济形态选择时面临一种两难困境。针对实证分 析、研究中产生的这一两难困境,本文探讨了中国可持续发展战略下经济形 态选择的价值判断标准,即“现实性”和“赶超性”两性标准,并以此标准 作指导,合乎逻辑地推出了“知识型工业经济”或简称“知识工业经济”这 一新概念。知识工业经济是将可持续发展理论和经济形态理论与中国特殊国 情相结合提出的一种具有中国特色的经济形态。 本文明确提出经济形态概念,探讨了中国可持续发展战略下经济形态选 择的两性标准,并归纳出“知识型工业经济”的新概念。“知识型工业经济” 的概念的提出,对深化当前中国经济结构调整、促进两个根本性的转变和加 速工业化进程有一定的启发意义。另外,结合“可持续发展”探讨“知识经 济”也是对扩大知识经济研究范围所作的一种有益尝试。
[Abstract]:This paper mainly studies the choice of economic form under the sustainable development strategy of China. The economic pattern is A vague economic concept. In this paper, the concept of economic form is defined as the stage of economic development. The sum of the productive forces, and the three kinds of economy: agricultural economy, industrial economy and knowledge economy are divided into three types: agricultural economy, industrial economy and knowledge economy. Form. Therefore, the study of the economic form under the strategy of sustainable development of China must involve the current social and economic leadership. There are two hot issues in the field, namely, sustainable development and knowledge economy. From the angle of sustainable development, it is one of the problems in this paper to discuss the development of knowledge economy in China. Characteristics. To achieve sustainable development is the common goal of all mankind, and the specific economic form is only the realization of this. The means of an end. Therefore, it is more objective to discuss the development of knowledge economy in China in the light of sustainable development. Sex. This article first carries on the theory research, then makes the system analysis to the Chinese actual situation, finally passes Combine theory with practice, discover problems, propose problems and solve problems. The study of sustainable development theory and economic form theory shows that knowledge economy is a kind of sustainable development. The analysis of the factors and stages of China's economic development shows that China does not have a complete economy at the present stage. The realistic condition of developing knowledge economy. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable development, we are still in the process of rapid industrialization. In the takeoff stage, China faces a dilemma in making the choice of economic form. In view of the empirical score This paper discusses the economic situation under the strategy of sustainable development in China. The criteria for judging the value of state selection, that is, "reality" and "catching up" between the sexes, and using this criterion As a guide, the logical introduction of "knowledge-based industrial economy" or "knowledge industrial economy" A new concept. Knowledge Industry economy is based on the Theory of Sustainable Development and the Theory of Economic form and the Special country of China A kind of economic form with Chinese characteristics put forward by the combination of emotion and emotion. This paper puts forward the concept of economic form and probes into the choice of economic form under the strategy of sustainable development in China. Select the gender standard and sum up the new concept of "knowledge-based industrial economy". "Knowledge-based industrial economy" To deepen the adjustment of china's economic structure and to promote the two fundamental changes The rapid industrialization process has certain enlightening significance. In addition, in combination with "sustainable development", the discussion of "knowledge classics" Economy is also a beneficial attempt to expand the scope of knowledge economy research.
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