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发布时间:2018-05-03 20:31

  本文选题:供热工程 + 技术经济分析 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2001年硕士论文

【摘要】: 供热工程要有效地服务于社会建设,就必须对各种技术方案、措施和设计 工程的经济效益进行评价和分析比较,要讲究经济效益算经济账。技术经济分 析是大规模供热工程中不可缺少的一个重要工作部分,任何一项大的工程都应 有充分的技术和经济两方面的科学依据。 一个国家的能源结构确定了城市供热的技术发展方向。在世界范围内,城 市供热大体上有两种方式,一种是采用优质能源基础上的分散供热。第二种方 式是发展集中供热。我国是一个一次性能源以煤为主的国家,因此,确定了我 国发展城市集中供热的技术原则。 按照世界供热工程发展阶段理论,供热工程的发展一般要经历从低级向高 级发展的三个阶段:小锅炉、小火炉分散供热阶段,热电厂、区域锅炉集中供 热阶段,低温核供热、热泵、热电厂等多热源联网供热阶段。目前大连市经济 持续稳定发展,城市建设规模不断扩大,对作为城市基础设施的供热事业提出 了更高要求,因此必须对大连市供热工程的发展趋势作出科学合理的规划,使 之充分满足城市经济发展及提高人民生活质量的需要。 本文在对大连市供热工程现状进行广泛分析的基础上,并查阅了国际、国 内有关供热、节能、环保等方面的最新文献,对各种供热技术进行先进性和成 熟性评价,运用技术经济学原理对各种供热方式包括低温核供热、热电联产、 区域锅炉房、热泵等方面从经济性、社会效益几个角度进行评价和比较,,同时 还测算分析了集中供热对环境保护的贡献;运用节能理论对供热工程中热源、 热网、热力站和热用户以及运行管理和调节四个环节进行节能技术的探讨,提 出了多种节能措施并进行了相应的经济分析。 通过上述分析,并结合大连市实际情况,运用简单评分法对各种供热方式 进行综合评价并在此基础上对大连市供热工程今后的发展提出了建议。
[Abstract]:In order to serve the social construction effectively, the heating project must be applied to various technical schemes, measures and designs. The economic benefit of the project should be evaluated and analyzed and compared, and the economic benefit should be calculated. Technical and economic division Analysis is an indispensable part of the large-scale heating project, any large project should be There are sufficient technical and economic two aspects of the scientific basis. The energy structure of a country determines the technical development direction of urban heating. All over the world, the city There are generally two ways of heating, one is the use of high-quality energy on the basis of decentralized heating. The second side The form is to develop central heating. China is a country dominated by coal as a one-off energy source. Technical principles for the development of urban central heating in China. According to the theory of the development stage of the world heating project, the development of the heating project generally has to go from the low level to the high level. Three stages of development: small boilers, small stoves, decentralized heating, thermal power plants, and centralized supply of regional boilers Heat stage, low-temperature nuclear heating, heat pump, thermal power plant and other multi-heat source network heating phase. Dalian economy With the sustained and stable development, the scale of urban construction is expanding, and the heating industry as the infrastructure of the city is put forward. Therefore, it is necessary to make a scientific and reasonable plan for the development trend of the heating project in Dalian. To fully meet the needs of urban economic development and improve the quality of life of the people. Based on the extensive analysis of the current situation of Dalian heating engineering, this paper makes a reference to the international and international. The latest literature on heating, energy saving, environmental protection and so on. Evaluation of maturity, application of technical and economic principles to various heating methods, including low-temperature nuclear heating, cogeneration of heat and electricity, The regional boiler room, heat pump and so on are evaluated and compared from the aspects of economy and social benefit. The contribution of central heating to environmental protection is also calculated and analyzed, and the energy saving theory is applied to heat source in heating engineering. This paper discusses the energy-saving technology of heat network, thermal station and heat user, as well as operation management and regulation. A variety of energy saving measures and economic analysis were carried out. Through the above analysis and combining with the actual situation of Dalian City, the simple scoring method is applied to the various heating modes. On the basis of comprehensive evaluation, suggestions for the future development of Dalian heating project are put forward.


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