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发布时间:2018-05-12 07:00

  本文选题:新结构经济学 + 比较优势 ; 参考:《学术月刊》2017年02期

[Abstract]:According to the change of factor endowment and comparative advantage, Lin Yifu proposes to promote industrial upgrading according to the situation, which is the embodiment of comparative advantage strategy and has significant practical significance. But at the same time, as a theory based on reality consciousness, new structural economics needs further development and improvement. This is mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1) it equates concrete and heterogeneous technologies with abstract and homogeneous capital, without explicitly treating technology as an independent factor of production. In particular, it does not take into account that it is a key factor of production that determines the comparative advantage of modern industries, thus there is no dynamic mechanism for focusing on technological progress) it assesses a country's overall factor endowment structure and comparative advantage on the basis of per capita capital-labour ratio. Without paying sufficient attention to the diversity of a country's comparative advantage, in particular its failure to take into account the relationship between comparative advantage diversity and the size of its economy, Therefore, it ignores the possibility and necessity of developing diversified industrial structure in large countries. It promotes the path of industrial upgrading with small steps on the basis of absolute cost, and does not pay sufficient attention to the relative cost difference of industrial upgrading in different economies of scale. In particular, the possibility and necessity of realizing leapfrog industrial upgrading in big countries are neglected because of their greater ability to bear risks and costs. Through a simple 3 脳 2 trade model, this paper makes a systematic logical analysis of the above points, and makes a deep analysis of the dynamic mechanism of the change and transformation of comparative advantage. Then it explores the applicability differences of comparative advantage strategy in different time and space, which is helpful to better understand and develop the new structural economics of Lin Yifu.
【作者单位】: 中山大学岭南学院;


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