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发布时间:2018-05-17 00:18

  本文选题:产业聚集 + 原因 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2003年博士论文

【摘要】: 本文主要研究产业聚集形成的原因及其对经济绩效的影响。论文在对产业聚集的相关概念给予界定和比较的基础上,对聚集经济的理论学说及其演变作了系统的回顾、分析和评述,研究了历史上聚集的经济思想与当代产业聚集理论之间的联系,论证了当今产业聚集的理论之繁荣,实际上是早期聚集经济思想的一次复兴与发展,并对当代产业聚集理论发展的特点和趋势作了分析,尤其是对该专题的研究引起经济学与经济地理学、产业经济学与区域经济学的融合发展趋势作了揭示性的阐释。 研究产业聚集形成的主要原因是论文的重点内容,本文从第三章到第六章对引致产业聚集的诸原因逐一作了分析和研究。论文首先对产业聚集的形成作了历史考察,阐述产业聚集形成的历史条件,并在这部分内容中论证了历史上的“偶然性事件”只是产业聚集形成的一个诱发因素,真正形成产业聚集的原因在于特定的历史条件。在一定的条件下,自然禀赋的地理差异确实在影响着产业聚集的形成,本文对缘于自然禀赋差异的产业聚集作了三种不同的分类。与自然禀赋相比,分工的因素对产业聚集的形成起到的作用更大。论文从内生比较优势概念出发,指出地区间的分工是因为存在着内在的比较优势,这种比较优势作用的结果,经过地区分工的演进导致产业的聚集现象。关于外商直接投资与产业聚集的关系,论文通过理论分析和实证研究,论述了外商直接投资也是形成产业聚集的一个重要原因,而且揭示了产业聚集形成的两种路径模式:市场创造模式和资本迁移模式。产业的聚集很大程度上是制度方面的原因,本文对制度和制度变迁在产业聚集形成中的作用做了具体的分析和研究,得出的基本结论是:对于产业聚集的形成,制度因素比自然禀赋重要得多,而且,非正式制度也是引致产业聚集的一个重要原因。 产业聚集本身就是一种优势,即聚集的优势,能够产生相应的效应,对经济绩效产生影响,论文从产业、地区、国家三个不同的层面,研究了产业聚集对竞争力带来的改进,以及如何利用产业聚集的规律来进一步优化产业结构。 本文的主要创新在于:第一,首次系统地研究引致产业聚集形成的主要原因,,并特别指出制度和制度变迁的作用大于自然禀赋的作用,以及产业聚集实际上是地区分工演进的结果。第二,本文创立了产业聚集形成路径的两种模式,第一种是市场创造模式,第二种是资本迁移模式。第三,论文在国内首次系统地研究了西方产业聚集理论的发展和演变,阐明了当代西方产业集群思想的理论渊源。
[Abstract]:This paper mainly studies the formation of industrial agglomeration and its impact on economic performance. On the basis of defining and comparing the related concepts of industrial agglomeration, this paper systematically reviews, analyzes and comments on the theory and evolution of agglomeration economy. This paper studies the relationship between the economic thought of historical agglomeration and the contemporary theory of industrial agglomeration, and proves that the prosperity of the theory of industrial agglomeration is in fact a revival and development of the early agglomeration economic thought. The characteristics and trends of the development of contemporary industrial agglomeration theory are analyzed, especially the research on this topic leads to the combination of economics and economic geography, industrial economics and regional economics. The main reason for the formation of industrial agglomeration is the main content of the thesis. This paper analyzes and studies the causes of industrial agglomeration one by one from chapter three to chapter six. Firstly, the paper makes a historical investigation on the formation of industrial agglomeration, expounds the historical conditions of the formation of industrial agglomeration, and demonstrates in this part that the "accidental event" in history is only a inducing factor of industrial agglomeration. The real cause of industrial agglomeration lies in the specific historical conditions. Under certain conditions, the geographical difference of natural endowment is really affecting the formation of industrial agglomeration. This paper makes three different classifications of industrial aggregation due to the difference of natural endowment. Compared with natural endowment, the factor of division of labor plays a more important role in the formation of industrial agglomeration. Starting from the concept of endogenous comparative advantage, the paper points out that the division of labor among regions is due to the existence of internal comparative advantage, which results in the industrial aggregation through the evolution of regional division of labor. On the relationship between FDI and industrial agglomeration, the paper discusses that FDI is also an important reason for industrial agglomeration through theoretical analysis and empirical research. It also reveals two ways of industrial agglomeration: market creation model and capital transfer mode. Industrial agglomeration is the reason of institution to a great extent. This paper makes a concrete analysis and research on the function of institution and institutional change in the formation of industrial agglomeration. The basic conclusion is as follows: for the formation of industrial agglomeration, Institutional factors are much more important than natural endowments, and informal institutions are also an important cause of industrial agglomeration. Industrial agglomeration itself is a kind of advantage, that is, the advantage of agglomeration, which can produce corresponding effect and influence on economic performance. This paper studies the improvement of competitiveness brought by industrial agglomeration from three different levels: industry, region and country. And how to use the law of industrial agglomeration to further optimize the industrial structure. The main innovations of this paper are as follows: first, the main causes of industrial agglomeration are systematically studied for the first time, and it is pointed out in particular that the role of institution and institutional change is greater than that of natural endowment. And industrial agglomeration is actually the result of the evolution of regional division of labor. Secondly, this paper establishes two modes of industrial agglomeration, one is market creation, the other is capital transfer. Thirdly, for the first time in China, the thesis systematically studies the development and evolution of western industrial cluster theory, and clarifies the theoretical origin of contemporary western industrial cluster theory.


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