本文选题:和谐社会 + 科学消费价值观 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:在党的十六届六中全会上,中共中央明确提出构建社会主义和谐社会的重要决定,并且在全国形成了构建社会主义和谐社会的核心价值观体系。消费作为人类社会永恒的主题,既是推动人类社会发展的重要动力,也是当前市场经济条件下影响社会变迁的最基本的因素。马克思指出:“消费的需要决定着生产,不同要素之间存在着相互作用。每个有机整体都是这样。”而当前由于受西方消费价值观的影响,以及新旧两种体制交替所造成的混乱局面,导致了人们的消费价值观出现了矛盾问题,严重影响了构建社会主义和谐社会的进程。因此建构起同社会主义和谐社会核心价值观相适应的科学消费价值观成为当前亟需解决的重大课题。 本文的主体主要分为五个部分: 第一部分,关于科学消费价值观的含义。首先,弄清楚什么是价值观,什么是消费价值观,再结合马克思主义关于消费的论述得出科学消费价值观的含义。其次,论述了科学消费价值观的主要内容。它的主要包括三个方面:能提升人的自由本性的消费价值观、生态文明的消费价值观、具有责任感的消费价值观。通过对科学消费价值观含义的概述以及主要内容的探究可以使我们从直观上把握它的内涵。 第二部分,科学消费价值观在构建社会主义和谐社会中的重要意义。首先,科学消费价值观作为一种新型的消费价值理念,对全世界全人类都有重要的积极作用。当前在整个社会上出现了各种各样的消费问题,影响了人们的消费质量和消费水平。我们必须建立一种科学的消费价值观来引导人们的消费生活。科学消费价值观有助于人类生活水平和生活质量的提高,对人的发展以及整个社会的发展都具有重要的积极作用。其次,科学消费价值观对构建社会主义和谐社会的重要意义。科学消费价值观为经济的发展提供良好的动力,,实现经济又好又快发展。科学消费价值观有利于实现社会的公平正义,加快推动和谐社会的建设。科学消费价值观有利于提高“现实人”的生活水平和文明素质,实现人与自然的和谐共处,并且建立生态文明。 第三部分,论述了当前人们消费价值观中存在的问题及原因。首先,当前人们的消费价值观中存在多种问题,主要有消费对象单一,城乡居民消费不平衡趋势明显,消费方式不合理,对消费所产生的消极结果认识不足等问题。其次,当前人们消费价值观中存在问题的原因。主要是受传统消费价值观和西方消费主义思想的影响以及把无止境的消费作为自我实现的重要途径。 第四部分,科学消费价值观建构的主要原则。科学消费价值观作为一种价值理念,有其内在的建构原则。通过把握其建构的主要原则,能帮助我们更好的、更具体的了解科学消费价值观。科学消费价值观的主要原则包括三个方面:“以人为本”的根本原则、生态平衡的重要原则、适度消费的现实原则。 第五部分,科学消费价值观建构的实践途径。主要是通过政府的角色、企业的角色、大众媒体的角色以及消费者的角色这四种角色来阐述科学消费价值观建构的实践途径。通过这四种角色的相互作用,相互结合,相互监督,相得益彰来最终实现科学消费价值观的建构。
[Abstract]:At the Sixth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China , the CPC Central Committee made clear the important decision to construct a harmonious socialist harmonious society , and formed the core value system of constructing the socialist harmonious society in the whole country . Consumption , as the eternal theme of human society , is the most basic factor influencing the social change in the current market economy .
The main body of this paper is divided into five parts :
The first part is about the meaning of the value of scientific consumption . First , find out what is the value , what is consumption value , and then combine Marxism with the discussion of consumption to get the meaning of scientific consumption value . Secondly , it discusses the main contents of the value of science consumption . It mainly includes three aspects : can promote the consumption value of human ' s free nature , the consumption value of ecological civilization and the consumption value of responsibility . Through the summary of the meaning of scientific consumption value and the inquiry of the main content , we can grasp its connotation intuitively .
In the second part , the value of science consumption plays an important role in the construction of a socialist harmonious society . First , the scientific consumption value is a new concept of consumption value , which has an important positive effect on all mankind in the world .
In the third part , the problems and causes of the current consumption values are discussed . First , there are many problems in the consumption values of the people . First , there are many problems in the consumption values of the people , the consumption imbalance of the urban and rural residents is obvious , the consumption mode is unreasonable , the negative result of consumption is insufficient , etc . Secondly , there are some problems in the current consumption values .
The fourth part , the main principle of the construction of scientific consumption values . Scientific consuming values as a value concept , has its inherent construction principles . By grasping the main principles of its construction , we can help us understand the values of scientific consumption . The main principles of scientific consumption values include three aspects : the fundamental principle of " people - oriented " , the important principle of ecological balance , and the realistic principle of moderate consumption .
The fifth part is the practical way to construct the value of scientific consumption . It is mainly through the roles of the government , the role of the enterprise , the role of the mass media and the role of the consumers .
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