[Abstract]:Project construction generally exists in various sectors of society. For those projects with large scale of investment and complicated technology, Its construction has very important meaning to the social environment and the survival and development of the enterprise. The success of the project construction will bring huge social benefit, environmental benefit and economic benefit. On the contrary, the failure of the project will lead to the waste of social resources. Pollution and destruction of the environment at the same time, enterprises will also bear a heavy burden, even leading to the bankruptcy of enterprises. The successful project construction must strengthen the project management work, the strict project management work is the project success essential condition. This article wants to take the whole process of the construction of the Peace Park as the main line. This paper expounds the function of project management in every stage from a systematic point of view, pays attention to the combination of theory and practice. Summing up the successes and failures of the construction of the Peace Park, From the case study, we try to find out a set of system management method which is beneficial to the project construction and serve the engineering construction. Starting with the conception and planning of the Peace Park Project, this paper studies the process that a successful project construction must go through objectively, that is, the project conception and the early planning. Project structure and system analysis, project planning management, project implementation control, project organization and information management. In this process, using the theory of project management, this paper discusses the methods and application of management work in each stage, combining with the actual construction situation, This paper probes into the influence of some malpractices on engineering construction caused by the lack of management in practical work. In order to sum up the significance of project management in practice from both positive and negative aspects, and then sum up a set of practical management methods for the project, Promote high-speed, high-quality, high-standard completion of project construction. The full text is divided into eight parts: the first part is the introduction, the second part is the preliminary planning and feasibility analysis of the project. This paper focuses on the third chapter of the systematic analysis of engineering projects and chapter four, chapter five, The sixth chapter, which is the structural and process analysis of the project, the planning management in the construction, the control in the implementation, Finally, the organization and information management of project construction are discussed. Access to books on management and engineering through collection and collation of data in practice, With the help of his mentor, Professor Han David, The initial understanding of the whole process of project management and the understanding and mastery of a set of management methods, but due to the limited time, the level of knowledge is limited, I also feel that the depth of research on project management is not enough, which needs to continue to study in the future practice. Hope the teacher criticizes and corrects, and puts forward the valuable opinion.
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