[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up 30 years ago, the socialist market economy of our country has developed by leaps and bounds, and the people's living standard has been improved qualitatively. However, behind the economic boom there are still many problems to be solved. If these problems are solved well, the cause of socialism will advance steadily, and a bad solution will inevitably lead to social unrest, which will not only endanger the Party's leadership but also hinder the realization of the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. It will affect the establishment of a harmonious socialist society. As a result, in view of the disharmony between efficiency and fairness that exists in today's society, the Party and the government have taken active measures. The report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward that "the distribution according to work should be adhered to and improved, with a variety of distribution modes co-existing." Perfect labor, capital, technology, management and other factors of production by contribution to participate in the distribution system. Under this distribution system, we should correctly explain and use the theory of labor value and the theory of distribution of social wealth to think about the relationship between efficiency and fairness, and then understand that the distribution according to work is the main body of our country. It is very important to guide the masses to understand the relationship between efficiency and fairness from practice to cognition and from recognition to practice. On the one hand, we can realize the efficiency of market economy, on the other hand, we can pursue socialist fairness. The author makes a brief discussion on how to correctly understand the theory of labor value and the theory of distribution of social wealth, explain the rationality of the distribution system in which distribution according to work is the main body and the coexistence of multiple distribution methods, and at the same time, how to solve the relationship between efficiency and fairness.
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