Enterprises have integrated culture into the development of products, the production of products, the production organization and management of enterprises. Contemporary enterprises take culture as the core, and constantly update the cultural model of enterprises to meet the needs of the humanistic and social value system, so as to realize the whole enterprise. The growth of value.
"Why does Yahoo have a market capitalization of 200 times its annual revenue, and telecoms giants like Bell, Atantic, Time Watner and Mciworldcom, which are also emerging industries, have a market capitalization of only five times their annual revenue? Why does AOL have an annual revenue of only $4.8 billion and have a one-shot acquisition of annual revenue? 26 billion 800 million dollar Time Warner? "
Why is the intangible value of a brand enterprise higher than its actual assets? Why can the corporate culture model create a large number of social consumer perceptions? How to understand the intrinsic value of traditional companies and emerging companies? How to understand the relationship between value formation in the process of the interaction between enterprises and human society? The rapid development of productive forces and the rapid economic formation. Rapid change has changed the way the value of the enterprise is composed. The formation of the value of the enterprise is confusing in many ways.
All traditional corporate values need to be reexamined, and all codes of conduct need to be redefined. The economics we are familiar with no longer seems to provide strong explanations, and the business rules we are used to no longer work. We can recognize it by traditional inertial thinking.
How can we explain the unpredictable growth realities of non-physical equilibrium of firm value that classical economics cannot explain? Starting from commodity or value abstraction? Starting from culture or from human behavior? Historically, classical scholars have studied value abstraction almost perfectly. How to create the value of the enterprise, how to manage the value of the enterprise and how to anticipate the future value growth of the enterprise have become more and more confused problems for scholars and practitioners in all economic and management fields.
As the name implies, the analysis of "man-made value" is to stimulate people's cognition of psychological value (or sense of value). It shows that it influences people's behavior on the basis of stimulating people's sense of psychological value, and on the basis of this, it drives the creation and Realization of the usefulness of commodity value, thus promoting the operation of value. Based on the analysis of the value connotation of people's psychological behavior, a link of value identification can be established between the social subject and the object person (i.e. the social subject-enterprise; the social object-social actor), so that people's behavior under the guidance of values can influence the creation of value, the formation of value and the value in the humanistic society. We hope to study the operation law of value in the human society on the basis of the analysis of human psychological behavior, and provide a powerful explanation for the growth of enterprise value, and provide a useful tool for the dynamic management of enterprise value behavior. Use.
We know that the person who creates value is the active person who has the values to guide the behavior, and the person who decides the usefulness of value is also the person who has the humanistic values in the humanistic society.
Zhao Bo
Research on human value
This decides that we should develop and establish an enterprise value production and management activity from the angle of Humanities and behavioral science.
A New Analytical Framework. Restructuring Its Prerequisite: Studying the Psychological Behavior of Social Actors in Humanistic Society
Motivation begins with the operation of value in the humanistic society to re-examine this issue.
Creative behavior is motivated, and so is human value demand behavior. Behavioral motivation of social actors
It is the meaning of humanistic value endowed by the humanistic world that determines the creation and demand of commodity value in commodity economy.
The formation of a humanized motivational relationship; the formation of value is understood from a humanistic point of view as meaning of value.
The relationship between the value and the operation of the enterprise and the humanities and society.
Under the guidance of humanistic sociology, new analytical frameworks can be established on the basis of behavioral science methodology.
The activity of people with cultural values is driven by value creation, formation, operation and implementation.
Motivation, we can understand the objective process of value as the driving process of human behavior relations, essentially the body.
The process of value creation and its operation between enterprises and social actors
Value identity, the psychological motivation for value identity, derives from cultural characteristics in culturology (in culture)
Humanistic Value Meaning Accepted after Reflection for the Brain, and Humanistic Value Meaning Acts as a Driver in Behavioral Science
On this basis, we analyze the realization of the increase of enterprise value in the human society.
At the same time, what kind of production and operation activities can enterprises create in line with the humanistic society?
Commodities with sexual attributes conform to the recognition of human and social values and achieve the growth of enterprise value.
Enterprise value is a human society based on production, operation, organization, strategy, technology, management and business.
The Value that Enterprises Can Realize in Currency and Future in Human Society Values
The value evaluation made by the angle. It is a substitute for monetary capital and wealth view at the end of twentieth Century.
A new concept of value. The classical price theory can measure the traditional value based on profit.
The concept of wealth does not explain the creation and formation of the value of enterprises that are influenced by humanistic values.
Classical economics, when discussing the objective process of value operation, establishes a market between manufacturers and consumers.
The field-price relationship, which explores the physical process of wealth acquisition in an enterprise by means of equilibrium analysis, does not discuss human beings at all.
How does the value demand system influenced by cultural values affect the formation of enterprise value in a literary society?
The relation of wealth formation in economics is market relation, which is essentially a society of supply and demand regulated by price mechanism.
Physical relationship. The formation and operation of enterprise value is non physical equilibrium.
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