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发布时间:2018-09-11 17:11
[Abstract]:With the increase of CO_2 content in the atmosphere, the human living environment is deteriorating. As a high carbon emission industry, thermal power industry undoubtedly becomes the key area of national energy saving and emission reduction. How to accurately calculate the cost of carbon emissions of thermal power enterprises and adopt effective measures to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption in order to improve the input-output efficiency of carbon emission costs has become an important research topic. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the cost accounting and effectiveness of carbon emissions in thermal power enterprises. According to the field investigation results, the carbon emission cost of A thermal power plant is classified into three categories: carbon emission prevention cost, carbon emission management and education cost and carbon emission improvement cost. To measure, record and disclose the carbon emissions from coal combustion, desulfurization process and purchased electricity. On this basis, the cost of carbon emission prevention, the cost of carbon management and education and the cost of carbon emission improvement are taken as the evaluation indicators of the input level of carbon emission cost, and the amount of carbon emissions reduction and annual output value are taken as the evaluation indicators of the output level of the cost of carbon emissions. The effectiveness of carbon emission cost is analyzed by grey correlation analysis. The results show that the input-output efficiency of carbon emission cost in thermal power plant has been gradually improved in the past four years, with the highest value of 0.93 in 2015 and 0.014% higher than that in 2012. At the same time, it can be seen that the input-output efficiency of carbon emission cost is still low, the input design of carbon emission cost needs to be improved, and the input of carbon emission cost needs to be strengthened.


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