[Abstract]:The study of behavioral economics by economists in our country is not very deep, and even more is still in the initial stage of theory, and the theory and research methods of behavioral economics are applied to every specific aspect of economic theory. It is still in its infancy. This paper attempts to apply the theory and research methods of behavioral economics to the theoretical research of environmental economics, hoping to serve as a source of inspiration. People's judgments and decisions are not entirely rational. In fact, from the basic principles of behavioral economics, economists can easily derive the basic principles of economics. As a new branch of economics, environmental economics naturally depends on the general principles and methods of economics, thus the theories and methods of behavioral economics. It can also be widely used in the theoretical research of environmental economics. The consumption and investment behavior of the environment is analyzed in detail. Firstly, the concept of "environmental consumption" is put forward, and then the behavior of economic subject in environmental consumption and investment is analyzed in two cases (that is, whether the economic subject pursues the maximization of welfare). Then, the behavior of environmental investment is analyzed. Finally, the mechanism of environmental protection is analyzed based on behavioral economics. In order to introduce the environment into the market as a commodity, We can make special market rules (such as emissions trading), change existing production patterns, promote cleaner production and circular economy, build eco-industrial parks, and use social mechanisms to enhance people's awareness of environmental protection. Make environmental protection become people's conscious action.
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