[Abstract]:Before and after the implementation of the family planning policy, there are huge differences in the birth rate between urban and rural areas in China. If different policies allow fertility levels to be an important factor behind the birth rate difference between urban and rural areas, it does not explain the differences before the implementation of the family planning policy. In the first part of the paper, the author tries to make a reasonable economic explanation to the decision making of family fertility behavior in urban and rural areas by using the cost-utility analysis method of children as an analytical tool. Reproductive order is also a social order, and the invisible hand also plays a great role in the formation of this order. The transformation of the birth rate in the West is a spontaneous process in which the invisible hand plays a leading role, and the government has not adopted any compulsory fertility policy to promote the change. The role of population policy should not be underestimated during the transition of birth rate in China (the author firmly believes that family planning should and must be carried out in our country). However, in addition to the compulsory role of family planning, the "invisible hand" also plays a role in the process of birth rate transition in China, and this role is becoming more and more intense. In the second part of the thesis, the author makes a deep discussion on the above problems. In the third part of the paper, using Becker's theory of quality and quantity of children as the basic analysis tool, the author deeply analyzes that the improvement of mother's education will improve the quality of children and reduce the number of children. The rise in the "fixed cost" of having a child can lead to a substitute for the quality of the child; finally, it explains why the birth rate has fallen as people's income levels rise and why in traditional agricultural societies, Families generally choose the fertility model of having more children and more children.
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