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发布时间:2018-10-19 09:25
[Abstract]:At present, China has become one of the largest energy consumption and carbon emission countries in the world, and is facing the international pressure of developing low carbon economy. Under the new normal state of the economy, the 13th Five-Year Plan has changed from a single objective to a dual goal, focusing on improving environmental quality and controlling the total amount of pollutants, while the carbon tax is used as an energy source to promote the economy. The important measures of coordinated and sustainable development of environment and most efficient market are not only helpful to realize energy saving and emission reduction, promote green development, but also benefit the well-being of people, so they have attracted much attention. Based on the data of input-output table in 2007, the energy input and carbon emission data are introduced, and the energy, economic, environmental and social accounting table (CE3-SAM) is compiled in 2007, and in the original module, the fossil energy input module is introduced, and the unexpected output is introduced. That is, carbon emission modules, carbon tax modules for energy and environmental policy variables, and dynamic modules for capital accumulation to build energy collection, economy, The computable general equilibrium model (CE3-CGE), which integrates the environment, comprehensively explains a series of effects of carbon tax rate on macroeconomic, and simulates the impact of different carbon tax rates on 25 industrial sectors under the carbon emission reduction target. Including sectoral output effect, energy structure and import and export structure adjustment effect, energy saving and emission reduction effect and social effect. Finally, the range of the optimal carbon tax rate for achieving the 2020 carbon emission reduction target is predicted. The development path needed to realize low carbon scenario in China is discussed. The research shows that the levy of carbon tax will bring cost pressure to high-carbon enterprises, reduce their competitiveness, adjust the import and export volume, but have little effect on low-carbon enterprises; at the same time, The consumption and consumption of coal and oil are decreasing due to the carbon tax policy, while the consumption of natural gas, as a clean energy, will decrease in the short term, but the consumption and consumption will increase in the long run due to technological progress. In addition, the levy of the carbon tax has led to changes in the employment rate, income and welfare of residents all showing a downward trend and then an upward trend. Finally, China's optimal carbon tax rate needs to be continuously adjusted. The best future carbon tax rate should be between 40 yuan and 70 yuan per ton.


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