[Abstract]:The economic subject in market economy is the unity of demanders and suppliers. Any independent economic subject should actively seek and create new effective supplies so as to expand the social division of labor. In order to guide and cultivate the demand for new. But in real economic life, not all supply is effective, can create demand, ineffective supply does not have this function, can create demand can only supply innovation. Supply innovation should include technological innovation, product innovation, market innovation, Management innovation and system innovation include all kinds of innovation activities which can improve the efficiency of resource allocation. The effect of supply innovation on macro economy can be explained by the analysis of aggregate supply-aggregate demand model. Through all-round supply innovation, we can promote the joint expansion of total supply and total demand, especially under the premise of stable prices, to achieve economic growth. Increase employment and demand. The emergence of American "new economy" is the result of all-round supply innovation. The effective demand in China's domestic market is obviously insufficient, and the laid-off or unemployed has increased sharply. The main reasons are as follows: first, Unreasonable supply structure leads to insufficient effective supply and ineffective oversupply; second, The enterprises lack the innovation mechanism of self-development, the innovation ability needs to be improved urgently; third, the local monopoly and the industry monopoly are serious, the market is divided and blocked. Hinders supply innovation. Therefore, we should speed up the readjustment of the product structure, promote industrial upgrading, improve the supply structure, adjust macroeconomic policies at the appropriate time, and form a good institutional and market environment. To eliminate the obstacles to innovation, to establish and improve the incentive mechanism of supply innovation, to promote the creation of effective supply, to strengthen management innovation, To realize the optimal combination of innovative resources and form a lasting innovation power.
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