[Abstract]:The state and trend of sustainable development can not be accurately measured by the traditional national accounting system, which is dominated by GDP. The "new" accounting methods, including the true saving rate of green GDP, try to make up for the shortcomings of the traditional accounting system in accounting objectives, accounting scope and accounting methods. However, these so-called new accounting methods are still in the rut of traditional growth economics. Herman E. The steady-state economy proposed by Daly provides a new goal, rules and research paradigm for re-examining this "growth fetish". From the perspective of steady economy and from the perspective of sustainable development, the national wealth accounting system should be expanded from a single objective to a multi-objective coordinated accounting system to re-examine and evaluate the complex relationship between economic system and ecosystem. At the same time, time and latitude should be included in the accounting system.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所;
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