[Abstract]:Regional difference and regional coordination have always been the core of regional economics research, and are also a common concern in the process of economic development of various countries in the world. Narrowing the regional gap and realizing the coordinated development of the regional economy are the basic goals of the central government in handling the economy of the western region. The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) put forward "actively promoting the development of the western region and promoting the coordinated development of the regional economy". Under this macroeconomic background, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the regional differences and regional coordination in the western region. Based on the theory of system and game theory, this paper makes a deep and systematic analysis and research on the present situation of regional differences in the western region and the reasons for this situation. And put forward the idea of realizing the regional coordination of macroeconomic policy in the western region. This paper focuses on the following work: 1. On the basis of constructing the index system of the regional difference evaluation in the western region, the paper analyzes the regional difference by establishing a mathematical model. And forms the research area difference scope, and carries on the comparative analysis with the east, the central difference, uses the massive detailed data, has demonstrated the western region disparity existence present situation, has included the development ability, the specialized department, the industrial structure, The level of urbanization and foreign economic relations and other aspects of the difference. 2. The paper also analyzes the variation trend of the western region: the industrial structure, the foreign direct investment and the economic benefit, in order to further study the differences in the western region. Realize the coordination of regional economy, provided the realistic reference analysis basis. 3. For the reasons of the differences in the western regions, this paper analyzes the regional differences, the differences in economic productivity and investment efficiency, and the differences in the accumulation of human capital in the western regions. The influence of foreign direct investment on GDP is analyzed in this paper, and the reason of the regional economic difference in western China is analyzed, which is based on the long-term and inevitability of regional economic difference. 4. In order to realize the coordinated economic development of the western region, this paper establishes mathematical models such as the game of resource development and environmental protection, the game of repeated investment and the convergence of industrial structure, and the influence of government officials on the development of regional economy. Based on the theory of coordinated development of regional economy, this paper analyzes the feasibility and necessity of realizing the coordinated development of the western region and the ways to realize the coordinated development of the economy in the western region. 5. Combining with the actual economic situation in the western region and the experience and lessons of foreign countries, the paper puts forward a development model of coexistence of poles, poles and networks, vigorously developing border trade and foreign trade, and taking the road of coordinated development of mutual assistance and cooperation between East, China and West. Make the western region's economy develop harmoniously, and realize the necessary policy and system arrangement measures of regional coordination.
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