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发布时间:2018-11-04 13:24
【摘要】:80年代以来国内外学者从不同的角度对创新网络进行研究,如创新网络的概念、特点、作用等,但对创新网络内部的结点、链条的概念及运行机制涉及甚少。对新产业区研究发现,在相同或相似的外部条件下,有的欣欣向荣,有的在衰退甚至消失。为了进一步探究相同外部条件产生不同结果的深层次的原因,本文在以新产业区为载体的基础上提出了对区域创新网络的研究,研究的重点定在了区域创新网络的内部,从行为主体和非行为主体两方面重新定义了区域创新网络,也提出了区域创新网络结点的一般概念,即指区域创新网络内的能够产生和消耗创新资源、要素的行为主体以及不产生和消耗创新要素和资源、但能中转创新要素和资源的非行为主体。结点与结点之间的要素流动的渠道和方式就是链条,表现出结点之间的相互作用和协同创新。 本文在广义区域创新网络基础上把结点分为行为主体结点和非行为主体结点,又根据行为主体结点在创新网络中的不同职能和作用,把其划分为价值结点、信息结点、物流结点、制度结点;非行为主体结点分为硬结点和软结点。本文从经济效益机制、知识生产机制、社会整合机制三方面分析了创新网络内结点的联结机制后又具体分析了创新网络内价值结点同其他结点的联结以及其他结点之间的联结。最后,运用结点理论考察中关村创新网络,提出中关村面临的挑战和建议。
[Abstract]:Since the 1980s, scholars at home and abroad have studied the innovation network from different angles, such as the concept, characteristics and function of the innovation network. However, the concept and operation mechanism of the chain are rarely involved in the internal nodes of the innovation network. Under the same or similar external conditions, some are flourishing, others are declining or even disappearing. In order to further explore the deep-seated causes of different results under the same external conditions, this paper puts forward the research on regional innovation network based on the new industrial district, and the emphasis of the research is on the interior of the regional innovation network. This paper redefines the regional innovation network from the two aspects of the actor and the non-actor, and puts forward the general concept of the node of the regional innovation network, that is, the regional innovation network can produce and consume the innovative resources. The actors of the elements and the non-actors who do not produce and consume the innovative elements and resources, but can transfer the innovative elements and resources. The channel and mode of the flow of elements between nodes is the chain, which shows the interaction between nodes and collaborative innovation. On the basis of the generalized regional innovation network, this paper divides the node into the behavior main node and the non-behavior main body node, and divides them into the value node and the information node according to the different function and function of the behavior subject node in the innovation network. Logistics node, system node; The nodes of non-behavioral subjects can be divided into hard node and soft node. This paper analyzes the connection mechanism of the nodes in the innovation network from the aspects of economic benefit mechanism, knowledge production mechanism and social integration mechanism, and then concretely analyzes the connection between the value node and other nodes in the innovation network and the connection between the other nodes. Finally, using node theory to investigate Zhongguancun innovation network, and put forward the challenges and suggestions of Zhongguancun.


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