官建成 中国技术经济学会第六届理事会常务理事
[Abstract]:He is currently Professor of Economics and Management, School of Economics and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph. D. supervisor, Professor of School of Management, Fudan University and School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He has been engaged in the research of innovation management for a long time, and has published more than 200 research papers in the mainstream academic journals of management at home and abroad. Among them, more than 80 research papers have been published in the SSCI/SCI international mainstream academic journals, including the top management journals selected by the (NSFC) Department of Management Science of the National Natural Science Foundation Committee of China and the Ministry of Education subject Evaluation International A 20 papers published in the journal, 9 papers published in FT Top50 journals and more than 60 papers published in area 1 of SSCI
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1 ;说明[A];首届上海青年经济学者论坛论文集[C];2006年
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1 记者 易昌良;中国留美经济学会2007年中国年会在长沙举行[N];中国经济导报;2007年
2 徐蓉;中国留美经济学会2007年中国年会在长召开[N];湖南日报;2007年
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4 本版编辑邋江苏省经济学会顾问、原副会长兼秘书长 顾松年 江苏省经济学会顾问、原会长 薛家骥 江苏省经济学会会长 顾介康 薛金鳌;经济学的历史使命与经济学者的社会责任[N];新华日报;2007年
5 记者 刘玉梅;勇于探索开启民智[N];南方日报;2008年
6 李向前 刘少军;发挥参谋作用 促进经济发展[N];蚌埠日报;2005年