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发布时间:2018-12-26 19:17
[Abstract]:The status of soil and groundwater pollution in the mainland is not optimistic, a large number of contaminated sites need to be treated in time. At present, it mainly depends on the form of special national treatment projects, and the lack of lasting and stable financial guarantee is the main bottleneck difficult to effectively control. Taiwan has set up a soil and groundwater pollution remediation fund, which has achieved remarkable results. The completion rates of investigation and remediation of contaminated sites have reached 48.50% and 44.58 respectively, which have led to the development of the environmental protection industry and improved social and economic benefits. Its experience and characteristics can be summarized as follows: first, according to the legal form is clear, based on the "soil and groundwater pollution control law" established, revenue and expenditure and management has clear provisions; Second, the sources include levy fees, fund interest and government allocations, to collect pollution control fees from enterprises as the main source of the fund; Third, the management of the fund management committee led by the environmental protection department, government officials, experts and scholars make joint decisions; fourth, the use of funds mainly to purchase social services to improve the efficiency of the use of funds; Fifthly, in order to ensure the sustainability of the fund, we should adopt the mode of advanced recovery, and carry out paid rectification; sixthly, in order to improve the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate, we should adopt the model of reward instead of punishment to encourage the active prevention of pollution. In order to raise the ecological environment protection to the level of public consciousness and social civilization in order to implement sustainable development and carry out the construction of ecological civilization, the mainland has revised the Environmental Protection Law of the people's Republic of China to make it clear that protection should be given priority and prevention should be given priority. Comprehensive management, public participation, and the principle of taking responsibility for damage, and the forthcoming publication of the Action Plan for Water pollution Prevention and Control and the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of soil pollution will carry out more strict and effective treatment and protection of the soil and water environment. Based on the present situation of soil and groundwater pollution in China and the difficult situation of controlling it, we sum up and draw lessons from the experience of Taiwan. We suggest that we should establish a fund for the prevention and control of soil and groundwater pollution. The collection of pollution remediation costs from the petrochemical and chemical industries will be the main source; The fund solution mechanism should be written into the policy documents such as the Water pollution Prevention and Control Law, and the legal basis should be clearly defined; the environmental protection department should take the lead in the fund management and draw on the participation of other departments and experts, etc. We should pay attention to improving the effectiveness of pollution prevention and control through socialized procurement services and refund of fees.
【作者单位】: 环境保护部环境与经济政策研究中心;


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