[Abstract]:"Innovation is the driving force of a country's development and the cornerstone of a nation's progress." Only by correctly understanding the internal relationship between the diffusion of technological innovation and the development of regional economy, scientifically mastering the law of diffusion of technological innovation and regional economic development, and guiding the practical activities of production in economy and society, Only when innovation brings great benefits to people can it be realized. T-type innovation cluster, as an important aspect of innovation competition in industrial regional market, It has an important impact on the development or adoption of an innovative technology by individual enterprises and the diffusion of innovation among industries. Therefore, it is very important to study the T-type innovation cluster in the industry. Based on the influence of T-type innovation cluster on technological innovation diffusion, this paper studies the role and influence degree of T-type innovation cluster in the diffusion of technological innovation in specific industries, in order to provide a different analytical path for regional industrial competition behavior. It provides a variety of theoretical references for the adoption of its strategy and fills in the gap in the application of technological innovation diffusion theory to the analysis of regional T-type innovation clusters. On the basis of studying the formation mechanism of innovation cluster, this paper makes a special study on the diffusion of regional technological innovation in order to guide enterprises to make effective use of cluster economy and improve innovation efficiency in innovation. This paper first expounds the connotation and related theory of regional technological innovation diffusion of T-type innovation cluster, and then, on the basis of extensive investigation and research, combined with the characteristics of regional technological innovation diffusion of T-type innovation cluster, formulates six evaluation criteria. The diffusion effect evaluation index system composed of 31 evaluation indexes is composed of 31 evaluation indexes, and then the weight coefficient of each index is determined by expert consultation method and additive weighting method, which provides a quantitative method for analyzing the diffusion effect of regional technological innovation of T-type innovation cluster. So that each subject in T-type innovation cluster can more intuitively master the relevant data of technological innovation diffusion in the region, so as to promote the rapid, stable and reasonable development of enterprises in T-type innovation cluster. The development basis and resource distribution among regions in China are not balanced, and the effect of technological innovation diffusion is also quite different. Qingdao, as the most important economic center and coastal open city in Shandong Peninsula, has a total economic volume. The level of science and technology is in the forefront in Shandong Province and even in the whole country, and technological innovation activities play an important role in the economic development of this region. However, compared with the developed areas (such as Beijing, Shanghai), there are still many practical and potential problems in the development of Qingdao T-type innovation cluster, which seriously affects the potential of Qingdao to maximize its contribution to the regional economy. Based on the above reasons, this paper will construct the evaluation index system of technological innovation diffusion in T-type innovation cluster region, from diffusion scale, management, market competitiveness, investment competitiveness, From the aspects of diffusion ability and diffusion environment, combined with the specific situation of Qingdao electronic information industry, this paper makes an empirical study, and according to the results of the analysis, from two directions, four perspectives. Seven aspects put forward some suggestions and countermeasures to improve the regional technological innovation diffusion effect of Qingdao T-type innovation cluster, so as to provide strategic guidance for the growth and growth of Qingdao high-tech industry T-type innovation cluster.
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