发布时间:2021-11-28 13:16
【文章来源】:南京大学江苏省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:112 页
Evolvement of the EU
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Significance of the Research
1.3 Uniqueness and Organization of This Thesis
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
2.1 The Effectiveness of Regional Policy before Eastward Enlargement
2.2 Non-quantitative Research after Eastward Enlargement
2.3 Studies Juxtaposing the EU and China
Chapter Ⅲ An Overview of European Regional Policy
3.1 Theoretical Framework
3.1.1 Types of Economic Integration
3.1.2 The Necessity of Regional Policy
3.1.3 Testifying the Effectiveness of Policy Intervention
3.2 Historical Evolvement
3.3 Current Regional Policy Tools
Chapter Ⅳ An Empirical Study on Regional Policy's Effect in New Member Countries
4.1 Setting the Time Frame
4.2 Empirical analysis
4.2.1 Theories about Economic Growth
4.2.2 Research Model and Data Sources
4.2.3 Regression Analyses and Results
4.3 Discussion and Summary
Chapter Ⅴ China's Regional Strategy and Lessons from the EU
5.1 Feasibility for China to Learn from the EU
5.2 China's Current Regional Strategy
5.2.1 China's Economic Gap and Policies of Regional Strategy
5.2.2 Achievements and Room for Improvement
5.3 Referential Lessons from the EU
Chapter Ⅵ Summary, Conclusion, and Policy Recommendation
6.1 Summary and Conclusion
6.2 Policy Recommendations
6.3 Limitations of the Thesis and Suggestions of Further Studies
Appendix 1 Branches of China's Regional Development Strategy
Appendix 2 Euro Adoption by New Member Countries
[1]中东欧国家吸收欧盟基金及绩效——以罗马尼亚为例[J]. 曲岩. 欧亚经济. 2015(01)
[2]欧盟区域政策的演变及其收敛效应分析——兼论对中国缩小区域差距的启示[J]. 吴昊,刘丹. 经济体制改革. 2013(02)
[3]欧盟凝聚与区域发展基金的发展及其启示[J]. 韩凤芹,孙美楠. 经济研究参考. 2012(01)
[4]对我国西部大开发成效所作的实证分析——基于主成分分析的实力比较[J]. 邱磊松,纪新伟. 全国商情(理论研究). 2011(02)
[5]欧盟区域政策对我国西部大开发的启示[J]. 唐松. 中南财经政法大学学报. 2010(06)
[6]欧盟共同区域政策的历史演进与经验[J]. 李朝晖,邓翔. 学习与探索. 2010(02)
[7]欧盟凝聚政策的演变及其收敛效应[J]. 张晓静. 国际经贸探索. 2009(10)
[8]欧盟一体化过程给我们哪些启示[J]. 梁琦. 学术研究. 2009(08)
[9]欧盟经济一体化中区域政策的效果研究——兼论对中国参与区域经济合作的启示[J]. 张晓静. 国际贸易. 2007(07)
【文章来源】:南京大学江苏省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:112 页
Evolvement of the EU
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Significance of the Research
1.3 Uniqueness and Organization of This Thesis
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
2.1 The Effectiveness of Regional Policy before Eastward Enlargement
2.2 Non-quantitative Research after Eastward Enlargement
2.3 Studies Juxtaposing the EU and China
Chapter Ⅲ An Overview of European Regional Policy
3.1 Theoretical Framework
3.1.1 Types of Economic Integration
3.1.2 The Necessity of Regional Policy
3.1.3 Testifying the Effectiveness of Policy Intervention
3.2 Historical Evolvement
3.3 Current Regional Policy Tools
Chapter Ⅳ An Empirical Study on Regional Policy's Effect in New Member Countries
4.1 Setting the Time Frame
4.2 Empirical analysis
4.2.1 Theories about Economic Growth
4.2.2 Research Model and Data Sources
4.2.3 Regression Analyses and Results
4.3 Discussion and Summary
Chapter Ⅴ China's Regional Strategy and Lessons from the EU
5.1 Feasibility for China to Learn from the EU
5.2 China's Current Regional Strategy
5.2.1 China's Economic Gap and Policies of Regional Strategy
5.2.2 Achievements and Room for Improvement
5.3 Referential Lessons from the EU
Chapter Ⅵ Summary, Conclusion, and Policy Recommendation
6.1 Summary and Conclusion
6.2 Policy Recommendations
6.3 Limitations of the Thesis and Suggestions of Further Studies
Appendix 1 Branches of China's Regional Development Strategy
Appendix 2 Euro Adoption by New Member Countries
[1]中东欧国家吸收欧盟基金及绩效——以罗马尼亚为例[J]. 曲岩. 欧亚经济. 2015(01)
[2]欧盟区域政策的演变及其收敛效应分析——兼论对中国缩小区域差距的启示[J]. 吴昊,刘丹. 经济体制改革. 2013(02)
[3]欧盟凝聚与区域发展基金的发展及其启示[J]. 韩凤芹,孙美楠. 经济研究参考. 2012(01)
[4]对我国西部大开发成效所作的实证分析——基于主成分分析的实力比较[J]. 邱磊松,纪新伟. 全国商情(理论研究). 2011(02)
[5]欧盟区域政策对我国西部大开发的启示[J]. 唐松. 中南财经政法大学学报. 2010(06)
[6]欧盟共同区域政策的历史演进与经验[J]. 李朝晖,邓翔. 学习与探索. 2010(02)
[7]欧盟凝聚政策的演变及其收敛效应[J]. 张晓静. 国际经贸探索. 2009(10)
[8]欧盟一体化过程给我们哪些启示[J]. 梁琦. 学术研究. 2009(08)
[9]欧盟经济一体化中区域政策的效果研究——兼论对中国参与区域经济合作的启示[J]. 张晓静. 国际贸易. 2007(07)