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发布时间:2018-01-06 00:22

  本文关键词:云南红河哈尼梯田体育旅游实施方案 出处:《北京体育大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 哈尼梯田 体育旅游 必要性 可行性

【摘要】:在现代旅游业中,常规性的观赏旅游正逐渐走向衰退,而符合现代人需求体验方式的特色旅游正在发展崛起,快节奏、重压力生活方式的现代人在旅游过程中积极积极追寻新颖、健康、奇险的特色旅游。体育旅游正是符合现代人最好的旅游方式。在体育旅游中,游客体验运动和赛场,感受体育民俗,不但可以推动旅游业的蓬勃,而且能促进当地经济发展和传承民族文化。云南是一个风景秀丽、民族众多、民风民俗资源极为丰富的旅游目的地,是开展体育旅游的理想地。 本文通过文献资料法、调查访问法、实地考察法对云南红河哈尼族、彝族自治州(以下简称红河州)哈尼梯田体育旅游做了调查研究。研究发现红河哈尼梯田体育旅游资源丰富,但基本处于零开发状态。红河州的旅游业正在快速发展,旅游业在当地的经济发展作用逐渐增大,哈尼梯田体育旅游的开展不但可以促进红河当地旅游业的发展,而且还能提高红河州的旅游知名度,更重要的是通过体育旅游可以传承少数民族文化,这是开展红河哈尼梯田体育旅游的必要性。在开展可行性研究中,笔者研究发现,随着红河州申报“世界文化遗产”工作的推进,省委、省政府建设“民族文化大省”的战略思想,红河哈尼梯田体育旅游正处于有利的政策环境和社会环境。但是发展红河哈尼梯田体育旅游需要整体规划、统筹部署、走产业化的道路。体育旅游资源的开发应该立足于哈尼梯田的地方资源特色来合理运作,通过一些特色赛事的举办来推动哈尼梯田体育旅游的可持续发展。哈尼梯田体育旅游资源丰富但需要科学对各项目分类、包装逐步推向市场。
[Abstract]:In the modern tourism, the traditional ornamental tourism is gradually declining, and the characteristic tourism which accords with the modern people's demand experience mode is developing and rising, fast rhythm. In the process of tourism, modern people with heavy stress life style actively pursue new, healthy and exotic characteristics of tourism. Sports tourism is exactly the best way of modern travel. In sports tourism. Tourists experience sports and sports folk customs can not only promote the prosperity of tourism but also promote the development of local economy and heritage of national culture. Yunnan is a beautiful scenery and many nationalities. Folk customs and folklore resources are extremely rich tourist destination, is the ideal place to carry out sports tourism. This paper deals with the Honghe Hani nationality in Yunnan Province by the methods of literature, investigation and field investigation. Yi Autonomous Prefecture (hereinafter referred to as Honghe Prefecture) Hani terrace sports tourism has been investigated and studied. The study found that the Honghe Hani terrace sports tourism resources are abundant. But basically in the state of zero development, the tourism industry of Honghe Prefecture is developing rapidly, and the role of tourism in the local economic development is gradually increasing. The development of sports tourism in Hani terrace can not only promote the development of local tourism in the Red River, but also improve the visibility of tourism in Honghe Prefecture. More importantly, it can pass on minority culture through sports tourism. This is the necessity of carrying out the sports tourism of the Honghe Hani terrace. In the feasibility study, the author found that with the promotion of Honghe prefecture's work of declaring "world cultural heritage", the provincial party committee. The strategic thought of the provincial government to construct the "great province of national culture" is that the sports tourism of the Hani terrace in the Red River is in a favorable policy environment and social environment, but the overall planning is needed to develop the sports tourism in the Hani terrace of the Red River. The development of sports tourism resources should be based on the local resource characteristics of Hani terrace. The sustainable development of Hani terrace sports tourism is promoted through the holding of some special events, which are rich in resources but need to be classified scientifically and packaged into the market step by step.


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