sixtieth anniversary of the P. R.C. establishment( 1949
Evolution of Agricultural Multiftmctionality Since 1949
SUN Xin-zhang (The Administrate Center for China's Agenda 21, Beijing 100038, China)
Abstr:Mulfunctionality of agriculture is one of hotspots of scientific research and intergovernmental negotiation on sustainable development at present. To understand multifunctionality of agriculture and its evolving tendency is very important for making and implementing of sustainable development strategy in new period of China. With regard to this, the article analyzed evolving tendency of agricultural multifunctionality during 1949 - 2009 from four aspects of production function, socio-economic function, eco-environmental function and culture and recreation function. The results showed that the production function is improving in general but with twists and turns; the production function south and east China are weakening and that north and of west China are strengthening; the economic function has declined greatly but the employment and social security functions are still important; the negative effects of agriculture on environment is greater than positive effects; the culture function is declining but recreation function is strengthening in recent years. Based on the results, the article probed into further instruments for boosting agricultural multifunctionality in China.
Keyword::sixtieth anniversary of the P. R.C. establishment( 1949 - 2009) agricultural multifunctionality evolution
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