import and export of agricultural products agricultural econ
Demonstration study on the relationship between the trade of agricultural products and agricultural economy growth in Shandong province
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GAI Xin, HAN Rui, GUO Cai-xia, LI Mei-gui (1. Wu Yuzhang Institute ,Sichuan University , Che ngdu 610065, China; 2. Yantai Research Institute ,Agriculture University of China
[1]四川大学吴玉章学院,四川成都610065; [2]中国农业大学烟台研究院,山东烟台264670
Abstr:Based on the data during 1998~2011, the demonstration anlysis of the relationship between the export and import of agricultral products and the agricultural economy growth in Shandong province was established through the Unit Root Test, Cointergration Test, Vector Error correction and Granger Causality Test by Eviews6.0 of Economitrics. The long-term and short-term equilibrium relationship between the foreign trade of agricultral products and the agricultural economy growth in Sbandong province were calculated. The results show that, LNX and LNM are both the Granger cause of LNY, but LNY is not the Granger cause of LNX neither of LNM. The policy suggertions were put forward according to the problems exsiting in the foreigh trade of agricuhral products and production, so that the trade of agricultral products could best promot agriculture growth.
Keyword::import and export of agricultural products agricultural economy growth ADF Test JJ Test ECM Granger Causality Test
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