本文关键词:福建省休闲农业示范点空间分布及其影响因素分析 出处:《福建农业学报》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 休闲农业 示范点 空间分布 影响因素 福建省
[Abstract]:In Fujian, the existing 171 provincial leisure agriculture demonstration as samples, using the nearest neighbor index, coefficient of variation, grid dimension model, kernel density estimation and correlation analysis method, the distribution, equilibrium degree, distribution of leisure agriculture in Fujian Province demonstration space and its influencing factors analysis of the density distribution of 3 dimensions of quantitative. The results showed that: Fujian provincial leisure agriculture demonstration point distribution is condensed type distribution, with higher concentration; distribution density demonstration has obvious difference, decreasing by 4 from South Fujian gradient in Northwest Fujian; by the area, distribution regularity of demonstration city, traffic resources influence, showing "near the scene", "city", "road" distribution pattern; at the same time, the spatial distribution of leisure agriculture in Fujian province and the population structure, total GDP, private car ownership and the third industry gross significant moderate positive correlation, but with the town of Engel The first factor, the proportion of agriculture industry is not relevant that is significantly related to the comprehensive economic strength of agricultural development and leisure area in Fujian Province, but the industry characteristic is not obvious, there is still much room for improvement. Think around the Fujian leisure agriculture should optimize the allocation of resources, enhance the ability of gathering, to build the core growth pole; to local development and construction, cultivate brand, to promote differentiation development; to strengthen policy guidance, promote the coordinated development of industry coupling; to strengthen the service, strengthen the supporting development, to further enhance the regional development level of competition.
【作者单位】: 福建省农业科学院;福建师范大学经济学院;
【正文快照】: 当前休闲农业已成为一种新型产业形态和消费业态,对促进我国农村和农业经济发展,转变农业发展方式,优化农业产业结构,促进三次产业融合发展,具有重要的作用。自2011年以来,福建省各地市农业职能部门先后5次推选评定出省级休闲农业示范点了171个,有效发挥了产业发展的引导和示
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