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发布时间:2018-01-10 00:12

  本文关键词:农户土地价值观分化对耕地保护行为的影响研究 出处:《甘肃农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 农户 土地价值观 耕地保护 结构方程模型 武威市凉州区

[Abstract]:Land for farmers is not only a simple means of production, it is all of life and production. Farmers from the date of its birth and land is closely related. Chinese in traditional culture, land is a symbol of the identity of the peasants, and the amount of land is a symbol of wealth and power. It is not only a simple the production of information, more important is the carrying value of faith and spiritual sustenance. Farmers around the land, our ancestors have formed a unique view of the land value, land value has an important influence on the social life of farmers, and formed a unique farming culture. Since the reform and opening up, along with the gradual establishment China's socialist market economic system, the importance of land to the peasants gradually change, land is no longer the lives of farmers, farmers' land value of the traditional view has undergone great This change, not only affects the farmer's production and life style but also have a profound influence on the land use. Mainly in: a large number of agricultural population to two, the three industry, and will land extensive management and even abandoned, abandoned; a small amount of rural labor through land circulation has formed the scale of the operation, to give the the new value of land use; most farmers on the land no longer ignore the quality of cultivated land intensive and meticulous farming,. In order to explore the theoretical system of farmers' land values and its impact on land use, based on the division of the farmers order layer, independent samples T test was used to measure different levels of empirical values of the difference of land farmers, and then build the 5 dimensions of land values. The behavior of farmers to protect cultivated land as the research object, to test the farmers land protection degree using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Finally. Using structural equation model, the quantitative analysis of farmers' land values influence on cultivated land protection behavior. The related conclusions are as follows: (1) based on the characteristics of farmers' occupation, family income is different, the current farmers can be divided into large contractors, pure agricultural peasant households, and households, two households and non. Between the 5 classes. The pure agricultural small business households and two households and more recognition of the value of the land is a land of a household; and is the security value of the argument is more favor; large contractors tend to land is rich value statement; non farmers burden value and the right value of the argument is more in favour of (2) land. Land value constructed in this research by the concept of land, land protection, land rich view of land, land burden view, right view of the five dimensions has theoretical significance. Land values overall reliability coefficient scale were 0.9 06, the reliability coefficient of each sub scale range (0.83,0.893) between the internal consistency of the scale were good. The scale through the convergent validity and validity of each dimension division, which can independently measure different aspects of farmers land values, land can also response values of the same content (3). Show that the farmers cultivated land quality protection degree evaluation, farmers cultivated land quality protection is weaker in the fourth level of the largest membership, membership is 0.236.; that the quantity of cultivated land protection degree evaluation, the number of farmers to better protect arable land, the second level of membership, membership is 0.093; that of cropland external protection degree evaluation of cultivated land protection, external degree is poor, in the fourth grade of the largest membership, membership is 0.054; overall, the degree of cultivated land protection is weak, the same in the fourth grade of membership in the Large membership for 0.156. (4) land values of cultivated land protection behavior of the structural equation model shows that: the concept of land, the land is rich land protection, land burden concept, the concept of land rights protection of cultivated land quality and land more burden view, right view of land were negative the influence of cultivated land quality protection; in terms of the quantity of cultivated land protection, land rich view of the greatest impact on the land, the concept of second land protection effect on arable land protection is significantly lower than that of land and land for the rich view view view of the same land. The burden has a negative influence on the quantity of cultivated land protection and land use rights in view; the externality of arable land protection, in addition to the land for this view can be largely positive externality of cultivated land protection, land protection, land rich view, land burden concept, influence on the cultivated land protection of land rights externality The degree of land security, the concept of land burden and the view of land rights all negatively affect the protection of the cultivated land externality.



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