发布时间:2018-01-12 12:08
本文关键词:大型跨国粮食企业发展模式对中国粮食企业发展的启示与借鉴 出处:《云南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:控制了粮食,就控制了人类——美国前国务卿基辛格;如果你控制了粮食,你就控制了所有的人——亨利·基辛格。石油乃一国之血液,粮食乃一国之根基,我国人口占世界总人口的18.79%,粮食的供需情况牵一发而动全身,保障我国粮食的安全是保障我国经济、政治、军事安全的基本条件。但近几年世界大型跨国粮食企业觊觎我国的庞大市场需求量,在我国加入WTO之后逐渐的进入我国布局产业链的各个环节,逐渐实现对农业产业链的垄断。其中,跨国资本己对我国的大豆产业完成了垄断布局,目前基本上完全控制了我国的粮油定价权。在WTO自由贸易规则的庇护下,我们无法阻止跨国粮商进入我国粮食市场,为保障国内粮食安全及粮食企业的市场地位,只能通过发展我国的粮食企业,增强我国粮食企业在国内粮食市场甚至国际粮食市场上的竞争能力,才能够彻底解决和保障我国粮食安全问题。但目前我国的粮食企业在国际上的竞争力还不足,缺乏跨国经营的经验。因此,分析四大粮商"ABCD"的发展模式,并借鉴其发展模式对发展我国的粮食企业具有重要启示和借鉴意义。 本文首先对本论文将会涉及的相关概念和理论进行了阐述,然后分析中美两国的粮食生产情况与中国的贸易情况,体现出我国在粮食生产与贸易中与美国存在的差距;然后提出美国粮商的发展模式为产生此种差距的重要原因之一,于是着手"ABCD"四大粮商发展模式的分析,包括对四大粮商的简介、发展史、并购历史的概述,以及对四大粮商的全农业产业链闭环模式、运输能力和物流网络、金融服务和风险管理、服务农民与履行社会责任、先进的技术工艺与信息化基础以及高额福利政策进行了分析;根据我国粮食企业目前的发展现状,提出我国粮食行业与粮食企业发展的不足之处,并提出四大粮商布局中国给我国粮食安全带来的威胁;最后根据国际粮商的成功发展模式,借鉴其发展经验,因地制宜,提出了相关对策和建议。
[Abstract]:Control food, you control the people - former U.S. Secretary of state Kissinger; if you control food, you control all the people of Henry Kissinger. The oil is blood of a country, food is a foundation of a country, China's population accounts for 18.79% of the world's population, demand and supply of grain rangingand the security of China's food security is the protection of China's economic, political, military and security of the basic conditions. But the huge market demand in recent years, multinational grain companies covet China, each link after China's accession to the WTO of our country gradually enters into the layout of the industrial chain, to gradually realize the agricultural industry chain monopoly. The transnational capital has on China's soybean industry complete monopoly layout, now basically complete control of the oil pricing right in our country. In the WTO free trade rules of asylum, we cannot stop the multinational grain merchants In China's grain market, to protect domestic food safety and food enterprise market position, only through the development of China's food enterprises, enhance China's food enterprises in the domestic grain market and even the international grain market competitive ability, to be thoroughly and solve the security problem of food security in China. But China's food enterprises the international competition is insufficient, lack of experience in multinational operations. Therefore, analysis of the development mode of four grain merchants "ABCD", and the reference has important enlightenment and reference of the development of food enterprises in the development of our country.
Elaborates the related concepts and theory based on this thesis will involve the analysis of Sino US trade, then the grain production and China, reflects China's existence and the United States in the grain production and trade in the gap; then puts forward the development mode of the United States is one of the important causes of the grain the gaps, so to analysis of the "ABCD" four food business development model, including the four grain merchants introduction, development history, summarized acquisition history, as well as the four big grain total agricultural industry chain closed loop mode, transport capacity and logistics network, financial services and risk management services, farmers and fulfill their social responsibilities, and information technology based on the advanced and high welfare policy are analyzed; according to the current development situation of China's food enterprises, put forward the deficiency of China's food industry and food enterprise development, and The four grain merchants to China layout China's food security threat; the last successful development mode of international players to learn from their experience in development, according to local conditions, puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions.
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