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发布时间:2018-01-16 03:18

  本文关键词:不同层次农业经营主体耕地利用对环境压力的适应研究 出处:《安徽农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 适应 耕地利用 环境压力 农业经营主体

[Abstract]:This paper first analyzes the domestic and foreign agricultural management of the main use of arable land to adapt to environmental pressure, on the basis of this to sum up the existing research, pointed out that the future research should pay attention to the ecological fragile areas. Environmental ecological effects of adaptation and multi-level comprehensive study. Secondly, this paper selected the rural and farm samples along the Yangtze River and Huaihe River basin in Anhui Province. Using structured or semi-structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews to obtain data to study the decision-making process mechanism of farmland utilization adaptation to environmental pressure in different levels of agricultural management in fragile areas. Through the analysis and summary of the survey data, it is concluded that the main environmental pressure of farmland utilization in Anhui Province is land regulation and policy environment, climate, location and resources have been reduced to a secondary position. Different levels of agricultural management of the main use of arable land to adapt to environmental pressure mainly for the adaptation of land regulation and policy environment. Third. According to the research hotspot of domestic and foreign scholars and the factors closely related to the utilization of cultivated land, this paper determines the key factors that affect the adaptation of farmland use to environmental pressure in different levels of agricultural management, that is, land reclamation. Minimum purchase prices for agricultural products, agricultural subsidies, policy agricultural insurance, as well as drought, floods, pests and soil erosion. And explore the impact of these key factors on improving the adaptability of different levels of agricultural management of arable land, found that the adaptability of farmers is poor, while the new agricultural management of the main body of the adaptive capacity is better. On the basis of the moderate scale management, Anhui Province should increase the policy support to the new agricultural management main body, and give full play to the adaptability of the new agricultural management main body cultivated land utilization to the environmental pressure. The effect of land remediation and policy environment on improving the adaptation of farmland to environmental pressure. Then, according to the measure index of environmental ecological effect of agricultural management subject cultivated land use adaptation practice. A descriptive analysis of soil environment, water environment, atmospheric environment and biodiversity showed that the adverse effects of farmers' adaptation practices were the greatest, and the environmental effects of cultivated land use adaptation practices were poor. Therefore, it is necessary to vigorously promote the development of new agricultural management subjects in order to realize the sustainable adaptation of farmland use to environmental pressure. By identifying the favorable factors and obstacles for different levels of agricultural management subjects to adapt to multiple environmental pressures, this paper puts forward some relevant suggestions from three angles: government agencies, village collectives and different levels of agricultural management subjects. It plays an important role in guiding government departments to formulate relevant policies for planning and adaptation, to give full play to the functions of grass-roots organizations and to improve the ability to adapt to environmental changes in the use of cultivated land as the main agricultural management body.


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