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发布时间:2018-01-18 06:01

  本文关键词:进贤县土地整治绩效评价 出处:《江西农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 土地整治 绩效评价 进贤县

[Abstract]:At present, with the continuous acceleration of the urbanization process, the rapid expansion of urban land use, rural construction also shows the situation of "more people and less land". These make cultivated land protection face an awkward situation. Under the pressure of ensuring the development of construction land and realizing the objective responsibility of cultivated land protection. All walks of life are actively seeking ways to solve the problem. Since the large-scale development of land renovation, the role of land reclamation in economic, social development and cultivated land protection has been obvious to all. This also makes the land management more and more attention of the state, and then become an important way to solve the above difficulties. The research on land regulation in China is still in the initial stage. In the field of land regulation, people pay more attention to the basic stages of land regulation engineering design and project construction. There is insufficient attention to the performance evaluation. The evaluation has been carried out mainly on the single performance study of land regulation. The theory of systematic performance evaluation is rare in the application of land regulation project. The benefit after land regulation is not complete and can reflect the actual effect of the project intuitively. We should pay equal attention to the implementation process and the implementation result of the performance evaluation. Systematic, comprehensive and comprehensive are the characteristics of land regulation. To carry out the land regulation work, we should not only pay attention to the benefits generated. The process and result of land regulation performance are unified and indivisible. The management and implementation performance of land regulation is the driving force of land regulation. It is also the premise and foundation to promote its benign development. This paper takes 16 demonstration projects of rural land improvement that have been implemented in Jinxian County in 2011 as an example to carry out performance evaluation research. Based on the theoretical analysis of land renovation project performance evaluation, the research content of performance evaluation, from the evaluation methods, evaluation criteria, and then in these three aspects, including management performance, implementation performance and benefit performance content. Select 16 evaluation indicators in line with the reality, set up a set of indicators suitable for the performance evaluation of Jinxian County land improvement, and use the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate. And on this basis determined the land improvement performance evaluation level standard. After performance evaluation, Qili Township Qili Village and other 6 villages of land improvement projects are excellent. The research results show that the index system and the method adopted can reflect the comprehensive performance of land regulation well in 6 villages such as Changtang Village of Wengang Town. Objectively reflects the results of performance, for the county land improvement performance evaluation work has a certain demonstration role.


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