本文关键词: 农民工 市民化需求 市民化供给 市民化程度 出处:《安徽财经大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Under the background of China's economy entering the new normal, the main driving force of economic development is to expand domestic demand, the new urbanization is the greatest potential of expanding domestic demand, while the urbanization of migrant workers is the problem of new-type urbanization. However, after making great contributions to China's economy and society, migrant workers have become "marginal people" living in cities, and promoting the transformation of migrant workers, especially the new generation of migrant workers, into citizens in a complete sense. This paper attempts to start from the point of view of demand and supply, combining the theory of economics with the theory of labor force transfer. Build a perspective of demand and supply of migrant workers to analyze the process of urbanization of the research framework to analyze the demand of migrant workers, the supply of the city and the process of urbanization. First of all. Systematically combing the foreign labor force transfer and the domestic migrant workers citizenship research theoretical results. The foreign labor migration theory has been more mature, with a wide range of influence of the Liu Yi-la Nis-Fjinghan model. Todaro city-rural migration model, Donald? Borg's push-pull theory, the economics of new labor migration, the cost-benefit theory based on human capital, etc. The research on the urbanization of migrant workers in China focuses on connotation, obstacles to realization, path of realization, and has achieved fruitful results, but the study on the measurement of the process of urbanization of migrant workers is still weak. Secondly, from the population characteristics. The characteristics of migrant workers are described and analyzed in the following six aspects: family, occupation, residence, system security and social participation. Migrant workers are mainly in junior middle school education, lack of skills training, and are mainly engaged in manual work. Family migration, children with low degree of relocation, living and consumption capacity of migrant workers is not strong, living mainly to employers or units to provide accommodation, low proportion of self-purchase; Strong will to stay in the city, but the lack of social security, social participation awareness and the concept of the rule of law is weak. Thirdly, the demand and supply of migrant workers in the city. First of all. The cross table method and binary Logistic regression model are used to analyze the population characteristics, family characteristics, occupation characteristics, living characteristics and system security. The study found that 15 variables, such as sex, age and education level, had a significant impact on the demand of migrant workers. By using the zero-expansion negative binomial regression model and the ordered response Probit model, this paper discusses the influencing factors of migrant workers' civic supply from the perspectives of job stability and wage determination, and the results show that. Temporary and unstable is an important feature of migrant workers occupation, education level, participation in skills training. Migrant workers' wages are positively affected by the variables such as the number of years of employment in cities and other variables reflecting the level of human capital. Then, from the point of view of the equilibrium of supply and demand. The Biprobit model which can identify the demand is used to measure the degree of peasant laborer's citizenship. The total degree of urbanization of migrant workers is 36.89, which is far lower than that of 63.54%. Further study found that migrant workers have a greater demand for citizenship, but not included in the urban effective demand sequence by the city government, and excessive tendency to the internal demand structure of large cities, the imbalance of supply and demand structure. Finally, conclusions and policy recommendations. Based on the analysis of the conclusions, from the position of government functions, to break down the system resistance, expand the supply of urbanization. In order to release the demand of peasant workers to the city and guide the migrant workers to the nearby urbanization and other aspects put forward countermeasures.
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